Sunday, June 29, 2014

"In the Garden"

When early morning beckons me outdoors I am often reminded of the old hymn "In the Garden".

As a child my grandmother would sing this song until sleep would come.

Sadly it is not a hymn that is done much anymore.  Growing up in a little country church it was often played for prayer time.  More modern choruses have crowded it from the worship services today.  I certainly miss it.

The words and music were written by C. Austin Miles.  It's first copyright was 1912.

"I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses;
 And the voice I hear, falling on my ear, The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own;

  And the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known."

Thank you for letting me share this sweet hymn with you.   Have a blessed week!


  1. I remember my grandmother singing that song while ironing clothes early in the morning and I would wake up to her sweet voice and the beautiful words of the song. Your garden looks wonderful!

  2. Thanks Debbie, it was nice to be reminded of that hymn and how beautiful it truly is. Have a great week ahead.

  3. I thought for a moment someone had sneaked into part of my garden and taken a photo, your garden looks so much like mine. I'm sure you enjoy wandering around it as much as I do in my garden. What a lovely hymn from your childhood memory.

  4. I loved to hear Elvis sing this was on one of the christian albums he did.......My aunt had this album and she played it all the time....I learned the words as a young child and they have stuck with me ever since. I can hear him singing it now.....blessings, Debbie

  5. Such beautiful words...I know that they fit your walk with God and that makes it so much more special!

  6. That was one of my grandfather's favorite hymns. I remember it so well. My grandparents went to a little white church near their home, and hymn singing was a huge part of their life as Christians. They were a big influence on me and my brother and we're both still following the Lord now-ages after they made such a good impression on us as children.

  7. what a beautiful hymn and wonderful memory of your grandmother singing it to you :) and such pretty photos of your garden, it looks like i see poppies in your border, so pretty and delicate mixed with the daylilies. Thanks for sharing your memories :)

  8. Debbie, this has aways been one of my favorite hymns. I often find myself singing it as I putter around in the garden. It is the best. Have a beautiful week. B.

  9. Beautiful post and lovely photos, Debbie!!!

  10. I always prefer the old hymns over the more modern ones they tend to sing in churches these days. I am a but old-fashioned in that respect.

  11. Debbie, those are beautiful photos! I remember that hymn, along with The Old Rugged Cross and Rock of Ages. Those were the three favorite hymns of my mother.



  12. I remember this hymn! My mom used to sing it. Thank you for the pleasant memory, and I haven't heard it sung in church in probably years. Have a Blessed Week my friend.

  13. I have never heard of this hymn here in the UK but the words are lovely and go well with the garden pictures you have shown.

  14. A lovely hymn that goes so well with the beauty of the garden ...never heard it though .

  15. I have never heard this hymn, thank you for sharing with us.

  16. Beautiful Debbie! Love the garden photos. Thank you so much for sharing... and thank you for coming over to meet Abby and your kind words... It is truly appreciated.
    Wishing you a beautiful week..

  17. Hi Deb! Your garden is growing beautifully! Wonderful flowers -- colors -- and I'm assuming scents ... and LOVE your painting -- I don't know if there is something more fun that being able to sit by your own flowers and paint them! Happy July 4!


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