Wednesday, July 17, 2024


So often we take for granted those precious miracles that make up our days.

On returning from the mail box last week, I spotted this sweet Mama Thrush resting peacefully in her shady hide away.
Is it not amazing how they build such intricate nests and place them so they can withstand wind and rain?

Sunday afternoon, found these precious wee ones just getting ready to leave their home.  They were residing at our front door... Phoebe fledglings.  There were three.  As I prepared to snap another photo they took a flying leap.  Two fluttered past me. 
The third landed at my feet.

What a tiny miracle.

Hoping you are finding a miracle or two in your day.

Have a lovely end to the week.



"You are the God who performs miracles;" Psalm 77:14 a (NIV)  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Rainbow and Other July Happenings

The first week of July brought us some much needed rain as well as a rainbow.  The sky had such a hazy appearance that it was hard to get a clear picture.

This one is a bit better but neither one captures the full beauty of this lovely gift.

It is rather hard to believe that we are starting the second week of July.  Wow this summer is racing by.

Would it not be nice to bottle up these sweet summer days and preserve them for next winter!


Speaking of preserving - this blackberry juice is ready to be made into jelly.  The fence row is full of ripening blackberries and we certainly do not want them to go to waste :)!  

Picked the first zucchini and squash of the season.  These are such versatile veggies.  Fried up with sweet corn and peppers makes them an excellent accompaniment to a grilled burger or hot dog.

With more heat on the way am planning on catching up with a bit of  summer reading.

"The Cottage at Glass Beach" by Heather Barbieri has me already turning the pages.  Have never read this author before.  She has written another book "The Lace Makers of GlenMara".  May add it to my reading list for the coming months.

 Lastly, an update on those apples mentioned in previous post.  The poor deer were getting the blame for eating them.  I was wrong.  Discovered this little fella with two other pals were the culprits.  There is a reason these bandits wear permanent masks. 

Well hope everyone's July is a good one.



"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."  Gen. 9:13 (NIV)  

Sunday, June 30, 2024

June's Joys

 As the month comes to a close it seems appropriate to share a few of June's joys.   Black Raspberries ripening on the vine makes the list.  Several packages are in the freezer and a couple of pickings even made it into pie!

In spite of the dry weather the first cutting of hay was plentiful.  With the lack of rain, not certain there will be a second.  Praying we will get more moisture in July.

Fortunately we have been blessed with a strong well and was able to keep the veggie patch growing.  This was the first year for straw bale gardening.  Not certain will do this again but will let you know in August.

The daylilies always manage to tolerate dry weather and drought.

This beauty is a favorite and a real beauty.

 Early summer apples have been a pleasure.  Made two batches of sauce and there is more to come.  That is if the deer don't get them before I do :)!!

Last but not least, Kelsey's company on our daily walks certainly is a joy.

Well dear ones, thank you for showing up and visiting.  May July bring everyone  happy moments.  See you next month.



P.S. For all who are celebrating next week - Happy 4th of July.

"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad.  Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun."  Eccl:8:15 (NIV)

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Heat Wave

 In spite of the persistent heat wave these tender poppies continue to bloom.   I had always read that they prefer cool weather but they are still bravely popping up and bringing us some lovely color.  

The black raspberries don't seem to mind the hotter days...they in fact appear to be ripening faster than usual.

  When it gets too hot to be outdoors - I spend time in the studio sketching.

Praying we get some rain soon and things will cool down a bit.

Even this little fella seems to have decided it was just too warm to scurry about.  Caught him just resting on the chair in the late morning.

Well to everyone - hope you are having a delightful week.  



"In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun...It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat."  Psalm 19: 4b - 6   (NIV)

Monday, June 10, 2024


 It is hard to believe the first week of June is finished.  Time goes so fast.  Am making notes of what is making a show these first few days of the month.  It is always pleasant when the calendar turns to winter to have reminders of  this lovely season of the year.  


Clematis is just beginning to bloom and it should last several weeks but its visit never seems long enough.

    The Larkspur and the the orange daylilies just happened to pop up together (an unplanned surprise).  Glad they decided to keep each other company.

Hosta brings a pleasing note to a shady spot in the garden.  Seems remarkable that a large leaf plant can produce such delicate blooms.

Well am off to do a bit of sketching.

Hope everyone enjoyed the first week of June.



"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."  2 Tim. 4:7 (NIV)  


Sunday, June 2, 2024


 The month of June marks the beginning of summer for many of us who live where we enjoy the four seasons of the year.  It brings roses...

Peonies and Salvia...

Sweet William - Bachelor Buttons...

and Larkspur to name a few.

The sweet cherry tree's blossoms of April bears fruit which in turn attracts

 so many lovely birds.

Yes, this beautiful month is just the start of what will follow.

Praying all of you are having a great beginning to June.



"In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands."  Psalm102:25

Monday, May 27, 2024

Paying Tribute

 Today it is Memorial Day in America and we are paying tribute to all those men and women who gave of their time and their lives.  

Two weeks ago we lost a beloved family member who served in Vietnam.   During his service he was exposed to Agent Orange which over time weakened the walls of his heart.

 As so many can testify, they may have survived the battlefield but never fully recovered their mental and physical health.  May we not forget the sacrifices these honorable men and women gave for our freedom.  God Bless each and every one.



"Let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy." Psalm 107:22


So often we take for granted those precious miracles that make up our days. On returning from the mail box last week, I spotted this sweet M...