Sunday, January 10, 2016


Even in the midst of winter one may find a piece of nature that inspires.

This partial corn cob and dried husk was lying beside my walking path.   Its forlorn state appealed to my senses.  There was something about how the husk curled and twisted that spoke to my eye.  Lots of texture to capture.

Speaking of winter - it seems to have arrived today.   There is a bit of snow gathering on the ground.   Thus far at Harmony Hills we have not had more than a skiff of the white stuff.  Quite unusual for this time of the year.  Think now though that we may be seeing a bit more blustery weather coming our way.   Time to get out the boots and gloves!

Time also to do a few more tangles.

How about you?

Would love to hear how you are spending time during winter's visit.

Have a blessed week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. Ok, so let me be the first ( for once) to say I like this. You know haw much I favor pencil and I think that's what it is, also love the zentangles. You go girl! Like me, always something to do.
    Hugs , stay warm,

  2. You have captured the texture of the Corn Husk beautifully Debbie. HAPPY 2016. Marion x

  3. We're not having a winter this year. It seems that spring has already arrived. I am disappointed because I look forward to the cooler weather all summer long. But it seems el nino has messed the weather up big time this year.

  4. HI Debbie, love your corn cob and winter inspiration. I love your zentangles too they are so neat. I want to work on this orchid this week. love to you and thank you for your winter inspiration your treasures help me look for some too. Do you walk everyday?? love,Diana

  5. Absolutely beautiful work Deb! No snow to speak of here either -- but I keep wishing!!!

  6. Hi Debbie your corn husk drawing looks fabulous and so do your Zentangle tiles. Intrigued to know the materials you used. The cold has finally arrived here, so time to get thicker winter woolies out at long last. Take care. xx

  7. Beautiful, Debbie, I so admire and appreciate your talent! I love the winter, I enjoy taking walks, even in the snow, as long as it is not dangerously slippery with lots of ice, I am fine. I love the cold weather, and coming home in the evening to a nice warm apartment and having a nice cup of hot chocolate puts the icing on the cake, if you will, for me. :)

  8. The dried up corn husks reminds me of my own aging skin and body. Nice to know that it appealed enough for you to draw it. Hope my hubby feels the same way! I certainly see the beauty you did.
    There is beauty in the older things if we look carefully. My mothers hands in her eighties grew deformed from arthritis and age, but I found myself drawing them many times, and thinking back to the hands that held all her children...cooked the meals and so on. They still were beautiful to me.
    Your Zentangles look like beautiful pieces of lace. Amazing.

  9. Love the cob drawing. 10 degrees this morning. At twilight tonight, I saw the lake icing and it makes me frown.

  10. Debbie, Winter came to visit here as well. I would love to just stay in with a book or knitting, but there is school. I am looking forward to a few quiet evenings spent before a fire. Happy New Year!

  11. Lovely drawing. Happy Winter!
    There was a short thunderstorm in the early evening here. Weird in January rain and thunder instead of snow.
    Have a Happy Week!

  12. How much fun is all of that? A wonderful bit of nature to draw and lovely textures with your zentangles. And a good range of values you got there-I zoomed in for a close up!

    Stay warm as it gets to be more winter like:)

  13. Wonderfully detailed work , not easy to draw I think, but very successfully executed ! At first I thought your zentangles were lace, incredibly real !
    Here we are still waiting for winter to come , we have had temperatures well above normal till now, but seems real cold might be on its way .

  14. What a wonderful post Debbie! It's amazing how we find art everywhere we look!
    LOVE your drawing! And your zentangles are perfectly drawn! More please!!

  15. Lovely images Debbie - nice to see how you are spending your winter free time. Our weather here is still very unseasonal but is forecast to change this week - I am looking forward to it - I have had enough of the rain, mud and damp and grey skies.

  16. I love your corn husk Debbie, you had a good eye for what could be done with it. Great zentangles too. Sounds like you're going to have lots of cosy time inside with the snow arriving.

  17. You have such a gift - your artwork, your photography, your writing! Thanks for sharing, Debbie!!

  18. Bonjour chère amie,

    Quelle patience vous avez ! J'aime le souci du détail dans chacune de vos oeuvres.
    L'hiver nous obligeant à demeurer à la maison est une belle ouverture artistique... Merci pour ce délicieux partage.

    Gros bisous

  19. Beautiful art work-I would have picked up that corn cob too...God bless you dear friend!

  20. What a lovely sketch you've made. I pick up things on walks to draw, too. I don't always draw them, but...

    We are finally experiencing some cooler weather, and I am loving every minute. I have errands to run tomorrow, so will drive around town with my sunroof open. That happens about twice a year!

  21. Debbie, you have been busy, and I love what you're doing. So glad you found the old corn cob! Look at those twists and turns! You translated them to paper beautifully! Your mind is one that sees beauty in many things! Your tangles are amazing. I love all the different patterns and the way they flow! Enjoy this new week!

  22. A beautiful sketch, Debbie! Winter is coming next week over here. Hope you are warm! :)

  23. ...yes yes, I love these inspirational natural wonders to sketch, you did a butte job on the corn husk. I've spent the evening sketching a dead twiggy thing I picked up a while back, think it's from a pine tree, anyways, love your sketch, and cool zentangles too 😊👍🏼

  24. Great sketch Debbie! I see you keep busy and those zentangles look like embroideries things, very nice to look at! Takes a lot of patience I guess. I wish your dream comes through and you get lots of snow! :)

  25. You have an eye for finding beauty in nature, the sketch came out so well! I love the intricate patterns in the zentangles drawings, I can see you have fun with those! We are getting colder weather here as well, I don't mind the cold as much as I use to. Warm hugs

  26. The dried corn cob makes such a great subject. We forget that as things in nature pass through time, even in their dried state there is beauty. Love the white tangles!!! We are having snow showers (at least that is all I hope they are) here at my sister's house in NJ. Hope it isn't more than that because I need to drive home later. Enjoy!

  27. This is so beautiful, Pixie, and so perfectly captured! I love the lovely, organic, twist of it...Hugs, my Dear Friend...

  28. Your old corn cob is beautifully rendered, Debbie!
    And I am happy to say we have had NO snow out here :)
    Kathryn XX

  29. When it's cold and snowing sitting indoors and drawing is so relaxing. Your corn husk looks great, you have captured it so well. And I can image you had a wonderful time drawing your white on black patterns.
    I am looking forward to the snow to see the views magically transformed, it doesn't usually last long here but always looks so pretty on the landscape.
    Best wishes and Keep warm Debbie . Millyx

  30. I have not been able to enter your blog for a long time, finally got in! I see you dropped that Google thing, I would love to dump that, how did you do it? I love the crusty old corn husk... geez sometimes I feel just like that! Nice drawing, I too enjoy drawing the Ordinary things we often pass by. They are often the most interesting.

  31. Hi Debbie,
    I love how you can find such beauty in just about anything.. I love this drawing.
    Thanks so much for stopping in, it is always so nice to see you there. I am so happy he made you smile.
    I am keeping myself busy with many projects... I think I need to focus on one, or better organize my time..
    The weather here is not what I would call winter, but it is cool.
    Enjoy your day tomorrow..

  32. Hi Debbie,
    I love how you can find such beauty in just about anything.. I love this drawing.
    Thanks so much for stopping in, it is always so nice to see you there. I am so happy he made you smile.
    I am keeping myself busy with many projects... I think I need to focus on one, or better organize my time..
    The weather here is not what I would call winter, but it is cool.
    Enjoy your day tomorrow..

  33. beautiful cob sketch and inspired tangle above ... can see your joy in sketching


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