Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Practice on using the glazing technique
It takes a great deal of forbearance when one glazes with watercolor.   Since patience is not a great virtue of mine this is a good lesson.

Using thin layers of transparent color and building up values slowly brings a wonderful glow that doesn't seem to be achieved with other methods.

This process slows me down and gives me time to think what needs to be done next.

There is a certain pleasure to be found in not rushing to get to the end.  The final result will come eventually.  What is important is enjoying the journey.  

Isn't life a bit like this as well?   It seems folks are often in such a hurry to get to a destination that they miss all the joy that comes while they are traveling.

  Speaking of enjoyment - here is what I have been reading this week.    These two books are filled to the brim with lovely art.  Sure to inspire one.

Well hope that all of you find a little forbearance and joy today.   Thank you for stopping by to visit - God Bless!    


  1. Beautiful painting, Debbie, and the books do look inspiring!

  2. Hi Debbie, I'm glad you are enjoying these "art/sketch" books. They look lovely. I'm not an artist, but it amazes me to see your talent. I love looking at "OLD/antique Books with drawings of flowers, botanicals.....the colors are amazing. It's always nice to keep learning new techniques! Blessing~~~Roxie

  3. Lovely painting
    Thank you for the recommends on the books.

  4. Your patience has paid off Debbie, I wish some of it could rub off on me. I all to often rush along. Two great looking reads too

  5. Debbie, I just love your florals. There is a timelessness to them that just pulls at my heart. I agree with you on the journey. Have to admit that I completely lack the patience virtue myself.

  6. What a lovely painting you made using your forebearance...patience is something that doesn't come naturally to me, I lean toward the quick sketch. I've been doing a wee bit of layering/glazing lately & you are encouraging me to keep at it...Yes, lessons in art go with lessons in life. Thank you for a lovely post.

  7. The lack of patience is probably why I don't do a lot of glazing! ha ha But I understand the slowing down and thinking more part of it :) Looks like two good books. I think I have a nature book of Marjolein's, too = lovely work of birds and weeds and nests and rocks...

  8. Your watercolor is beautiful, Debbie. I don't know how anyone works with such a difficult medium...Wonderful work!!! Art books are my favorite books to read... they definitely do inspire a person!!!! I hope to see more florals from delicate and beautiful!

  9. I love the painting, Debbie. I think you are patient-you take the time to look at little things, and you think about things deeply. You appreciate small things, and don't think they are worthless. Perhaps that's patience of a different kind....I want to see more of your new technique.

  10. So pretty Debbie. It's always great to settle down with a cup of tea and scour over a wonderful art book. It's amazing how much our brains can absorb and bring back that knowledge later at the snap of our fingers. We are wonderfully made for sure. Wishing you a great weekend, which is approaching so quickly. I'm hoping to get some sunshine after these few days of rain.

  11. Have used the glaze technique for oils but didn't know there was one for watercolor. You have a good one too.

  12. Beautiful work Debbie. I need to see these books. They look great. Thanks and may it be a sun filled day for you. Sharon

  13. Beautiful Debbie! I also could use a good dose of patience! I too enjoy the art of Marjolein Bastin, I think she used to work for Hallmark in Kansas City and had a home there with extensive gardens. Have a wonderful weekend! ~ Diane

  14. Thank you for always reminding me about the values of life and the importance of practising patience and forbearance. I know I need to be constantly reminded.

  15. I always enjoyed painting flowers though I haven't picked up a brush for quite a few years now. Patience is not one of my virtues but painting did help.

  16. Clever words from you Deb , yes I think many of us forget to enjoy the ride . Really like your watercolor , the colors as well as the execution are amazing . Wish you a great weekend.

  17. I can see from your painting that it is a result of having patience in doing it. It is lovely. I agree that in whatever we do, we should not rush to finishing it but we should also enjoy the whole journey. Blessing.

  18. Lovely painting--I know what you mean about rushing, both in art and in life! I love Marjolein Bastin's work--I'll have to look for that book in my library.

  19. Beautiful colors and work! I love the color shifts you achieved with the glazes, it is so delicate like the flower itself. It is very true, Debbie, we are always rushing to the end while forgetting to stop and enjoy, Watercolor has taught me patience, it is not my strong point. I will check out the books, they look wonderful! Have an enjoyable weekend!!!

  20. Fab work Debbie. I agree not all watercolour needs to be rushed and it does need lots of patience and will power not to go in at the wrong time. You obviously have no problem with timing. Hope all is good with you these days. Take care. xx

  21. Your garden looks lovely in June, such lovely photographs of all your flowers beds. No wonder you are painting flowers with all that inspiration around you. You have created a delicate and pretty piece, love the butterflies too.
    I am sending belated anniversary wishes.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  22. Hi Debbie! Your books look great I do have a few and I often look through them, also flowers and gardens magazines. I think they're full of ideas and just looking at those beautiful pictures makes my heart sing. Have a wonderful weekend Debbie!

  23. I love your watercolors Debbie, and this one is just beautiful.. Your books are a great inspiration.
    Enjoy your weekend

  24. Lovely work Debbie! I am a huge fan of glazing, brings out such beautiful translucence and colour discoveries. Have a joyful week.


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