Sunday, June 8, 2014

June's Garden

The garden in June is always a treat.

Peonies unfold and dance in the breeze...

Irises too!

Orange Poppies and purple salvia clamor to be seen.

The Weigela Shrub spreads its branches and sends its blossoms cascading here and there.

 Spiderwort refuses to stay in one place.  It pops up everywhere.

The garden is always lovely.   June's is especially so.

"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places..."Psalm 16:6 (NIV).   I hope yours have too!
  God Bless and thank you for letting me share my garden in June.


  1. such a beautiful perennial border and absolutely gorgeous peonies, it looks like a joy to work in,
    Hope your having a lovely weekend :)

  2. Your border is gorgeous. What a joy to see. I have some lovely peonies in among my weeds. I am tackling that task slowly but surely....

  3. I LOVE your garden, Debbie! Your irises have such a fabulous dark colour!

  4. Looks like you have planned a lovely garden that rewards you in the summer :)

  5. Peonies are so beautiful. I'd like to try growing some. Your garden looks like a place where you can soother your soul.

  6. Debbie, I love everything about this post! Thank you so much for sharing all this beauty.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your garden wonders with us. Your flowers are just lovely!!! Have a wonderful Sunday.

  8. Your garden certainly is a treat Debbie! There is always something new flowering! I don't think I've ever seen peonies in real life so I don't know what they smell like, but from what I can gather they are divine! Happy gardening!

  9. Such inspiration, gorgeous blooms especially love the Peonies

  10. Good evening Debbie,
    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful garden and also your art... I love that piece. Your artwork is much like your garden.. A true treat for the eyes.

  11. It is all beautiful! I have been away from my garden for a couple of weeks, I can only imagine how it must be falling outside the boundaries.

  12. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing such lovely photo's and the peonies especially! Your little sketchbook for June is lovely.

  13. It is lovely to see so much in flower in your garden - I especially love the pale pink peonies - such a shame that their blooms don't last longer. My garden is too shady to grow iris which is a shame the deep purple is divine and I am truly envious of yours.

  14. I've just noticed how similar your painting style is to Barbra Joan's. You both have such a soft hand when you lay it to paper and the paintings are always beautiful!!

  15. Your garden is beautiful with a wonderful variety of plants , I also have the spiderwort eeeeverywhere :-) Love your delicate and sweet watercolor ! Wish you a great week !

  16. Beautiful garden. This is a lovely time of the year.

  17. Hi Debbie, you do have the most splendid garden in June! I'm glad to see the flowers you like best, I was looking for that word , " spiderwort " . I do have one of those at the back of my garden that keeps coming up year after year and I love it. Take care,xx

  18. Hello dear~oh how I love your painting!
    How lovely your flowers are.....there is something so wonderful about June-it's one of my favorite months...God bless you!

  19. I love your painting Debbie! I think we will be seeing many flower paintings on this blog. I can smell the sweetness in the air all the way over here!

  20. Your garden and your Art are so beautiful, Debbie! Always a pleasure to stop by and see your garden full of gorgeous colors...

  21. Good afternoon, Debbie! How lovely to see your garden inspirations here today! June is indeed a special month with the end of the school year finally here (except two meetings for me tomorrow!) and then garden fun. I already started some serious pruning yesterday, and came in pleasantly fatigued.

    Thank you so much for coming to comment on my post. It is much appreciate! That first watercolor you show is BEAUTIFUL! Anita

  22. Such beautiful flowers! Peonies are one of my favorites, but the whole garden is lovely.

  23. Isn't June a wonderful time of the year? Seems like flowers open and bloom before we can even say their names! Wonderful images my friend! Happy gardening!!

  24. Beautiful art work and beautiful gardens! Thank you for sharing!! I really like my drawing classes so far.

  25. Your garden is looking very pretty, and I love the painting.



  26. Hi Debbie , I'm just catching up on recent posts, & how lovely to see the colourful borders in your lovely garden.
    I'm so pleased you slipped in one of lovely paintings, so delicately painted.

  27. Debbie your garden photos are just gorgeous! Love that pink peony! I have the white and dark red ones, for some reason the pink one died a few years ago.. I'm blaming the voles!

  28. Your June garden is lovely. My spiderwort doesn't travel. Hmmm must be the rotten soil it is in.


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