Sunday, December 13, 2015

Getting Ready

Here at Harmony Hills we are getting ready for Christmas.

The decorating is done.  Cards are written waiting for the mail.

Now just a bit more shopping , some baking and then we will be ready.

How are you coming with your Christmas to do list?

Hope you all have a wonderful week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. How exciting, Debbie! I love Christmas, and I love the winter. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  2. Such a beautiful post, Debbie! The Holidays are coming upon us so your photo!!

  3. Your decoration is gorgeous, Debbie! I still have a lot to do. Have a nice week too!

  4. Sort of there but not quite yet. Glad that things are moving along well for you! It looks like things will be lovely for you.
    Take care and have a good week:)

  5. It is always a busy time,but this year I am more organized.It helps in making it a more enjoyable experience but still so many things to do! I hope you have a great week too! Hugs

  6. Stay safe during your errands, it is hectic out there.

  7. It is slow going here. I lay in bed last night wondering how to get it all done as it gets harder and harder. My thought is that I'll have to make more of an effort to just be glad for the children's and grands sake.

  8. I'm looking forward to baking some cookies and enjoying the music and movies.
    Happy holidays Debbie

  9. Love your arrangement. Nearly there, at least the cards have been sent all over the world to friends and family far away. Whatever has been forgotten, will not have to matter. Being together with family & friends is all that matters. Enjoy the festive season . Best wishes to you & your family.

  10. It is such a meaningful time of year and I love the beauty which accompanies it. Your lovely arrangement stirred my heart with the emotional response I always seem to get during this time...along with the extra inches round my waistline!
    Wishing you and those you love, peace, and the joy of the Holy Spirit.

  11. What a sweet little snowman, Debbie, in that lovely vignette! I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas season filled with love and laughter, hope and peace.

  12. We're decorated--and keeping the cat out of the tree is feat, believe me. The cards and gifts are almost done, and maybe, maybe (please?) we will have some cooler weather so we can have a fire in the fireplace. Christmastime in Florida!

  13. Hi Debbie. Just like yours our preparations have started and I am already getting into the Christmas spirit. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with plenty of colourful adventures in 2016.

  14. This the season! We're decorating in stages due to a very naughty kitten (cat) that's having a blast with all the decorations. Still more shopping, wrapping, baking and cleaning to do!

  15. We probably won't be doing too much this year. We have our artificial tree up with a few decorations and lights, and some of the shopping done. I'm trying to focus on the reason for the season! (Sometimes not that easy for me to do...)

  16. I'm very far behind this year. It's still so warm and the sky is so blue that I cannot quite get into the proper mood. Praying for rain. Enjoy the preparations for the most wonderful day of the year.

  17. Bonjour chère amie,

    Cette année, les températures sont si douces qu'on n'a pas l'impression de se trouver à l'aube de Noël...
    Très jolie décoration.

    Je vous souhaite des fêtes joyeuses à vous et tous ceux que vous aimez.

    Gros bisous ♡

  18. Nice to see your Christmas decorations Debbie. Good on you for being so organised. I have watched so little TV of late and been at the beach rather than the shops so I have largely missed the onslaught of Christmas advertising and piped carols. It has crept up on me and I still have EVERYTHING to do - Eeeeek! (Having said that, we're not hosting it this year and with the girls now adults we have pared it back to the minimum this last year or so)
    Enjoy the baking! Wish I could join you over a cuppa to sample some of it!

  19. I think we sometimes forget the real reason for Christmas. I have done my cards and will be doing a few decorations today.

  20. It is such a good feeling to feel ready , then you can just relax and really enjoy the last preparations. Beautiful Christmas decoration !

  21. Lucky you Debbie to be all ready by this time! Here it is rush, rush! Still some decisions and shopping to be done, some decorations to finish and the fear to forget someone. It happened once and now we're trying real hard to think of everyone. Still, it's a wonderful time and I love to listen to Christmas carols. How about you? Hugs

  22. so lovely!! Merry Christmas Deb!

  23. Hi Debbie
    I am a bit behind with my blog reading at the moment - Christmas preparations are very time consuming! I am just about ready for Christmas now - just the food shopping next. - then it will all be over before we know it. I am getting confused about which day it is - I posted on my blog today because I thought it was Friday - duh!

  24. You sound like you are almost ready. I had a show recently so it set me back a bit. My shopping is mostly done, my tree is decorated, I finished my cards today, but haven't baked a thing yet. I still have a few days left, don't I? LOL Enjoy the specialness of the holiday season, Debbie!

  25. Hello Debbie,
    I can see that you are already ready for the Christmas. Beautiful Christmas Decor. I wish you a very Merry Christmas, together with your family. And a very prosperous 2016! God bless.

  26. Have a wonderful Christmas, Debbie!



  27. Hugs to you Debbie, have a blessed Christmas. Love, Diana

  28. Dear Debbie,
    Wishing you a joyful and blessed Christmas.. Love your decoration. I am a little behind this year.. But will enjoy every moment.


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