Sunday, May 15, 2022

May Happenings

 Here are just a few of May happenings.

Yes Mrs. Hummer has returned.  She and her friends are keeping me quite busy with  the making of sweet nectar.

That sliver of orange is a our Baltimore Oriole.  He likes to visit not only his feeder but the Hummers as well.

The bunny cart got filled this weekend with some favorite annuals.  She had been looking kind of lonely but now she has some company.

Snap Dragons and violas don't mind if a night turns chilly.  In fact they seem to prefer cooler weather.

Skies at dusk this time of the year are delightful.  I never tire of "looking up".

Speaking of looking up, one could not miss this full moon.   

Well these are just a few of May happenings at Harmony Hills.

I will be stopping by to visit each of you and find out what might be happening in your part of the world.



P.S. Will not be here next week because we will be involved in a special event...our nephew is getting married.   God willing - will return in two weeks.    Have a lovely end of the month.

"The moon marks off the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down."  Psalm 104:19 (NIV) 



  1. Beautiful photos. Have fun at the wedding!

  2. Dear Debbie,
    Oh how I love Mrs. Hummer! She is so sweet, and that full moon is just beautiful!
    Safe travels, and enjoy the Wedding. Congratulations to your Nephew!

  3. Great photos, have a good wedding week!

  4. In my place here, there are times birds can be very noisy. But the birds don't know that I love them more for doing that..hahaha. I really enjoy my day more when I hear them singing. They are so lovely to see when they seem to be in a romantic relationship. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos. Have a wonderful time during the wedding. Keep safe.

  5. Great photos! I love that you have such interesting visitors. I finally got a few hanging baskets for my patio and repotted the herbs I bought yesterday.

    Have a good trip and a wonderful time at the wedding! Weddings are so special. I missed the last family wedding of my niece back in October. It was the first one I've ever missed in the family. I've gone as far as Latvia and Australia for family weddings. With Covid and Jerry's limitations, we just couldn't work out getting from NY to Iowa safely.

  6. I love your photos! The full moon looks great! Have a wonderful trip, and a great time at the wedding!

  7. The hummingbirds are so dear and I love when they come around. Your bunny cart is so cute, Debbie, and looks very nice with the flowers. And what a lovely capture of the full moon. I'm just getting back from a road trip, so I'm just resting up this week, but wanted to come by, as your blog is always filled with peace and beauty. I love your photos. They are always wonderful.


  8. Lovely photos. I enjoy seeing the different birds that arrive in blogging friends gardens, so different to ours. Wishing you a splendid trip for the wedding and a long and happy marriage for the lucky couple. Have fun.

  9. Your photos are beautiful. Have a wonderful time at the wedding. God bless you my friend...

  10. Bonjour ma chère Debbie, Je suis éblouie par l'ensemble de tes très belles photos... Une publication qui fait du bien !! et on en a bien besoin tous !
    Je te souhaite une très très belle semaine,

    bisous bisous

  11. Sweet Mrs. Hummer! This year I have a lot of blue jays, cardinals and all sorts of little brown sparrows, wrens, and finches. Just a pleasure to watch outside my window.

  12. Dear Debbie,
    How very sweet of you to wander over for a visit and leave such a kind note. Thank you so much! Enjoy your weekend

  13. Debbie, so sweet! I love your Baltimore Oriole. Beautiful!

  14. I hope you're having a wonderful trip and lots of fun at your nephew's wedding! All of your photos are beautiful. I especially like Mrs. Hummer. Looking forward to your post about the wedding!


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