Sunday, May 8, 2022

Memories of Mom

 I have so many wonderful memories of Mom. 

Today with it being Mother's Day I pulled out one of her journals and read a few pages.  It was dated July 1995.  She mentioned that she and I had gone shopping and ate lunch at a quaint place "River Biscuit Inn".  I had forgotten about this restaurant until I read Mom's words.  

For just a brief moment we were once again together laughing and enjoying the lovely food and atmosphere.  It was like a special visit with her as sweet memories of that day transported me to another time and place.  

 Fortunately Mom and I had so many of those type of days.  Grocery shopping together, visiting local gardens and nurseries, library stops and just enjoying a cup of coffee and looking at old recipes made ordinary times extraordinary.

Often after spending a day together
She would say to me "it was the best day" and I would say "it certainly was".  Then she would say "I just don't want it to end."  I'd reply "me too Mom!"

May God Bless All Mothers Today!



"When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman here is your son, and to the disciple "Here is your mother."  From that time on, this disciple took her into his home."  John 19:26-27 (NIV) 


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Debbie! It is great to think back on the memories we have of our moms. My mom will have been gone 25 years in July. It seems like just the other day and I still often want to pick up the phone and tell her something that just happened. I hope you had a great day filled with good memories and joy. Have a great week too!

  2. Such lovely memories of your Mom, Debbie! Great to still have her journals. Very special. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  3. Love this post. Hope your day was super. Hugs.

  4. Dear Debbie, Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories of your Mom. That is something that can never be lost or taken away.
    My dear Mom was in my thoughts yesterday, I miss her greatly, but treasure my memories also.
    Bless you dear friend,

  5. This was beautiful dear Debbie.

  6. What wonderful memories. I'm sure you will always treasure them.

  7. Over the years one becomes aware of those wonderful people who do not give their lives and practically everything to make us valuable and profitable.
    Best regards.


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