Sunday, June 5, 2022


A wonderful virtue is contentment.  It can be found in the abundance of gifts that arrive here in June.

Peonies that grace the garden...

a robin seeking sustenance...

Fields of green...

the promise of cherries soon...

and always those special visitors.  

All of these and so much more fills one's soul with contentment.

Wishing each of you the same.



P.S. Thank you for best wishes to the bride and groom.  The day started out wet and chilly but by the time they left the chapel the sun was shining :)!

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation..." Phil.4:12b



  1. Hello my friend! Your home is peaceful! I loved your photos. Your cherries are so big!

  2. Debbie, all these things you share today bring us joy, especially that precious hummingbird. And cherries! You know that's my favorite fruit? I like the verse you shared today also, and I really needed to hear it. Just got back from a road trip, tired, and too many things to take care of right now.

    I hope the June days bring you so much goodness, Debbie.


  3. Good afternoon, enjoyed your photos-hugs

  4. Sometimes the smallest things bring the biggest joy.

  5. I'm glad the bride and groom had the sun shining on them. I hope you all had a wonderful time together. Thank you for helping us appreciate the small things that give us that contentment. Welcome back. Enjoy your week!

  6. I feel content looking at your photos and very peaceful. Wishing you the same and a creative week. So glad the sun shone for them.

  7. All lovely ways to create contentment. As your friend, Loree, already said, sometimes the smallest things bring the biggest joy. Thanks for sharing, Debbie!

  8. Dear Debbie,
    I see why you are content. You are surrounded by beauty. I love all that you have shared here .I wonder, is that a peony bush I see here? Just gorgeous, Debbie.
    Sending you a warm hug,


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