Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Sunday walk

Shelby wanted to take a Sunday walk.

Schindler was more than ready.

We saw a blue sky...

 A cabin in the distance...

and tree branches reaching high.

As we made our way home we were blessed with this lovely sunset. What a perfect ending to our Sunday walk.

Hope you enjoyed it too!

Have a wonderful week.

Hugs Debbie


  1. Beautiful dogs and views, Debbie!

  2. AWE! Love the dogs!
    I have a shepherd/lab mix!

  3. I know you KNOW that I love Shelby and Schindler so my heart lifted when I saw them looking so happy. This is a beautiful post. God created a visually beautiful place and you have the heart to know it!
    Thanks for sharing with us. Have a glorious week.

  4. You have the happiest looking dogs! I love seeing your part of the world, have a great week!!

  5. Hello Shelby! Hello Schindler!

    Thank you for sharing your walk with me. It was a little cold but I had a great time!

    Have a good week, Debbie. Take care!

  6. Winter -- love those trees and the sunset -- wonderful walk indeed! HOpe you have a great week, Deb!

  7. Hi Debbie, I love to see you and your buddies out having a great walk. Lovely post. I have been enjoying the good weather here in Maine also. Can't believe it's going into the 40's today. It sure has been a strange winter so far. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  8. Thank you for the beautiful walk.. Love the cabin in the distance, and what a beautiful sight the sunset is.
    It is always such a joy to see you have come by for a visit.
    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts.

  9. Thank you for the beautiful walk.. Love the cabin in the distance, and what a beautiful sight the sunset is.
    It is always such a joy to see you have come by for a visit.
    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts.

  10. Your walk was great, enjoyed it.
    Your shepherds are beautiful. My daughter always had them , and got into the training aspect of it. If icould have any that'whst I would choose. Going to write you a personal soon. Will be back in Florida after next week.

  11. The sunset looks really awesome. I always think that sunsets are much prettier when there are clouds in the sky.

  12. Oh I love your dogs. And the sunset is really inspiring and awesome. Have a blessed week.

  13. What more could a blog reader want - two handsome dogs, beautiful scenery and a gorgeous sunset - perfect. I do so envy you living close to so many trees. Enjoy the rest of the week friend.

  14. I had a collie named Shelby, I love that name. Once again your pictures are stunning, thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week.

  15. So glad you had company on your walk to see the beauty that surrounds you. That sunset was the perfect ending to a lovely day!

  16. Enchanting scenes! I just love your pictures Debbie. I hope you get a wonderful week , Hugs

  17. Such serenity , always a pleasure to visit your blog ! xx

  18. Debbie, your two boys are so handsome! It was a pleasure to see these photos of where you take them on their walks.
    Kathryn XX

  19. What a lovely walk! Your dogs are so adorable, I really miss having a dog... give yours some hugs for me! Where did all the snow go? We just got dumped on, about 10" at my place! Winter's not over yet Mr. Groundhog!

  20. Oh my how beautiful Shelby is!
    You are so fortunate to have such lovely companions for you walks. Beautiful photos

  21. So beautiful, thanks for taking us along,love,Diana

  22. Dear Deb, it's so beautiful, we're in the middle of summer though. Take care not to catch a cold. ((Hugs)) Sadami


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