Sunday, February 7, 2016


Isn't it hard to believe friends that the first month of  2016 is gone!   January certainly flew by.

February's arrival brought sunshine and warmer temperatures.  The famous groundhog did not see his shadow. That means spring may be early.

The Turkey Vultures are back .  Spotted a couple enjoying the blue skies today.

Picked the first snowdrop.   That is a good sign spring is right around the corner.

Perhaps it is time to get winter's reading finished.    

Even if January is gone - February is looking good.   Hope it is for all of you too!

Hugs Debbie


  1. The elm buds are swelling as are the blueberry bushes. I spied a Great Blue Heron flying over and some turtles were swimming in the pond. Hope it doesn't get too cold again or the flora and fauna might be in trouble. Let's hope for an early spring as nature seems to think it too.

  2. Debbie,
    This is what I am thinking... Here we are in February.. I have a feeling this year is going to fly by.
    Love your watercolors! And the little snowdrop.. Funny how something that small can be so beautiful.
    Have a great week.

  3. Hi Debbie, I love your little snowdropflower, I painted a lot in January. The first sign of new life. Your paintings are gorgeous!

  4. I totally agree with you Debbie, January did fly by so fast. So happy you showed a painting, such lovely soft colours, I'm struggling mixing my colours at the moment. I need to practice more. The pretty snowdrop is always a sign of spring, do you have lots in your garden. my bulbs seem to get eaten , but it is wild land full of wildlife that was there before we moved in. so really I'm lucky the daffodils come up every spring. I grow most of the tender plants in pots.

  5. Dear Debbie, your photos, paintings and a post are always so sweet and caring. I love your flowers. Snow drop!! Wow, we're in the middle of summer. Enjoy your life and drawing.
    Best wishes, ((Hugs)), Sadami

  6. Beautiful painting and words, Deb .... another blast of winter for us down here ... stay warm! HUGS!

  7. I see we use the same pens! LOL:)

    January certainly did fly by. February is warmer here as well so far. Happy to see you painting-looks lovely.

    Here's to a good week ahead.

  8. February is looking great, especially visiting your blog! Your flower paintings are getting me in the mood for spring. The book sounds like an interesting read, I will surely check it out.I hope you have a super week! :-)

  9. Hello Debbie, we are finally getting snow in Feb. Usually we get the first flakes before Halloween but not this year. It has been a long time coming but looks like winter has finally made its arrival in Maine. Beautiful post! Have a wonderful week.

  10. I can't believe we're through January, either. It flew by. I love the little snow drop--we don't have anything equivalent, but then we're blessed with blooming things nearly year round so I don't feel I should complain!

    So far February has been: warm, rainy, then cold! We've got it all. Today is a beautiful, sunny-but-cold day, and I'm loving that.

  11. Spring will arrive in March, as it always does - but it would be nice to have more warmer weather (although our predictors are saying our next few days are going to be bitterly cold :( Ah, well, a good time to stay in and read!

  12. Yes, January just flew by! I think our weather is so iffy right now the plants don't know quite what to do! We've covered and uncovered our plants so much this winter. Regardless, by the end of March the cacti will have new paddles or new arms, the bunnies will have had their first batch of young ones and the hummingbirds will be nesting again in our garage, I hope! I love all the changes. Thank you for showing me a few of yours!

  13. yes january went so fast i can't remember if i got much accomplished but february so far is looking much better, and yes i really hope spring is here soon and it looks like it might be.
    thanks for the glimpses into your winter days and your paintings are so pretty :)

  14. January did fly by Debbie! Although I don't like cold weather it has been wonderful even with the snow.....ill take it! Lol. I look forward to Springtime!! And photos of your Spring flowers!

  15. Oh yes, time is really flying , yesterday it was Christmas and tomorrow spring is here ! Your watercolors are immensely pretty ,always sweet and delicate !

  16. We are still in the throes of winter here - rain, rain and more rain - wind, wind and more wind - when will it ever stop. There are signs of life in the garden tho' but it is too soggy to work out there yet.

  17. Lucky you! Here, February is getting cold and colder and no prospect of flowers for a while. But I'm very happy for you to see you're having a respite of sorts! Take care, Hugs

  18. Love that Groundhog ritual you have over there! Does it ever get it wrong?
    Your watercolour is beautiful Debbie and the snowdrop is so pretty. Here's hoping that spring does come early for you this year!

  19. Winter never really made it here. It's been a strange season - like a late autumn and early spring.

  20. February seems to want to keep reminding us that winter isn't finished with us yet. lol We are expecting some snow later today and freezing temps by the weekend. Stay warm my friend!

  21. Your delicate washes of color are so beautiful, Debbie. Does Scooter ever jump up where your paints are?
    Yes - January went gone in the blink of an eye. Not sorry to see it go. I want the lighter evenings back!

  22. Hola Debbie: Visitar tu espacio es una una ráfaga de dulzura y bienestar, hermosas tus acuarelas y la manera de presentarlas, siempre invocando la Naturaleza, obra divina del Ser Supremo y valorando las pequeñas cosas de esta vida. Un gran abrazo!!!

  23. Hi Debbie,
    Time is certainly flying! We had a taste of Spring the last two days [back to cold and rain today], and I can hardly wait for more!!!
    Kathryn XX

  24. many times I visit your blog and I am very happy to be still visit your blog .

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  25. I am loving your watercolor. So soft and delicate. We had 63 degrees two days ago and now it is hailing and raining. Ha one does not know what to put on in the morning around here. Happy Feb to you.

  26. Hi Debbie, love your beautiful watercolours, they are a pleasure to look at!! Its wet and cold here in the UK, but lots of signs of spring, blossoms and bluebells are beginning to sprout their leaves.

  27. Love those blooms painted in your artist journal... and so nice to see your snowdrop blossom! We are still cold as can be here... but as you say, time passes so quickly that spring will be here before we know it... Guess it's better to enjoy something in every day! Have a Happy Valentine's day Debbie!


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