Sunday, July 20, 2014

Good Report

  It is always wonderful when one receives a good report.    This was the case with my Mom's procedure.   All went well.   No surgery necessary.  

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.    They really worked.

Summer is in full swing and so is the garden.
With all the rain we have recently received everything is lush.

These Star Gazer lilies are so fragrant.   They add lovely color this time of the year to a shady bed.

The day lilies are still continuing to spread their charm.    Some of the later ones are real dazzlers.

This patch of green beans has went wild.   Looks like I will soon be busy harvesting their bounty.

Isn't summer wonderful!!

Hope everyone is enjoying theirs.  I will be stopping by to visit with each of you soon.   In the meantime have a wonderful week.   God Bless!


  1. Such good news! Summer's bounty is a beautiful thing! Enjoy!

  2. Praise God for this good news, Debbie! Your images are lovely!

  3. Debbie, I'm so happy to hear the good news about your Mom! Yay!!

    It's so green and beautiful where you are. Our poor forest is so parched...I think the greenest thing in it is my ivy. Of course, ivy doesn't grow here naturally, so I don't think that counts.

    Anyway, I'm happy for you and your Mom!

  4. Great news!
    Your garden looks fantastic.

  5. the start on your flower and butterfly painting, and the lilies, always bringing smiles as they open, and yes, veggies are starting to bulge in the garden, but sooo nice to eat what you've raised on yer patch. So thankful I am lucky enuf to have a patch. Best go and check my beans too, they're dripping with flowers, and the plum trees branches are touching the ground where there is so much fruit this year, two trees have already got broken branches with the shear weight of ripening fruit. Happy days, enjoy yours :-)

  6. I am glad all went well with your Mom, Debbie. Your garden looks lovely, and I love the painting!

  7. So pleased for you that all went well for your Mom. your garden is looking so full of colour and a fantastic crop of beans. your poppy heads sketch is so lovely and delicately painted.

  8. I always find serenity here, Deb. Your WIP is looking gorgeous and your flowers and garden are amazing!

  9. hello Debbie,
    Was absent for a while in the bloggerworld. Glad that everything went well with your mom. I love your garden, full of bright colors and the green beans as well. Your painting is also beautiful. God bless Debbie and your family.

  10. So glad your mother's procedure went well and that you can now breathe a sigh of relief. Your garden is looking good, especially those beans.

  11. I hope your mum is doing well. I have been away and an trying to catch up with everyone. Wishing you a peaceful week.

  12. This is such good news about your Mom, Debbie.
    I adore your garden.
    Wishing you a beautiful week.

  13. What a relief and joyful news! Thank you for sharing the photos... flowers always speak of hope and renewal, and remind me of the whole connectedness of everything on earth. Have a beautiful day Debbie!

  14. I'm so glad about your mom!!!!
    Your painting is beautiful-so are those beans! Mine are being mowed by our many rabbits!

  15. I'm so happy for your mom! I hope you and her get to enjoy your beautiful garden together. Great work in progress!

  16. So glad you mom is doing well...and the lovely garden too...thanks to the graces of God. Enjoy!

  17. Debbie so happy to hear the news about your mom.
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful gardens with me as mine are no more. The elk broke the fence and ate everything in my veggie garden and the moved on to the flowers. I have spent the last week redoing what I can in the gardens. Bought a few new plants that I know they don't like. So again I wish I was sitting in your garden instead of mine right now. LOL

  18. Great news about your mom--I'm sure everyone is much relieved. Have a beautiful day!


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