Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Keeping the Faith

In life we often have challenges that seem to come out of nowhere.   Often they tiptoe through the back door.  When we turn around there they are sitting at the table.

Generally they don't come alone.   They bring companions.  Soon every chair is taken and one is faced with the overwhelming task of prioritizing which needs attention first.
This has been my parents' experience for the past several months.

Tomorrow my dear mom will be having a medical procedure done in a near by hospital.  What the outcome will be is yet unknown.  I am hopeful that all will be well.

 It is scary when we have to surrender our loved one into someone else's hands.   No one can be certain that things will go smoothly.   Sometimes they do...sometimes not.

Keeping the faith in spite of uncertainty is never easy.   Yet without it life can be a dark place.  In the end  "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."   Gal.5:6

Tonight as this post comes to a close I encourage any of you who might be in the midst of some big challenge to keep the faith.   God loves it when we take time to look up!!

P.S.  If you are so inclined would you take a moment and look up for my Mom tomorrow!   I would so appreciate it.   Thank you!


  1. So beautiful and inspirational, Debbie! A heartfelt thanks.

  2. I'll be thinking of her and you today for a little while, and hope for the best of outcomes

  3. I hope everything goes well for your mother - it is no fun being in hospital. My good wishes go with you.

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mother. I hope all goes well with her procedure.

  5. My prayers are going up for your mom, Debbie. I know God will have His hands in this too. And your words are so true.

  6. Prayers all goes well with your Mother

  7. I will be keeping the faith with you for your mom! Blessings

  8. Hi Debbie! It is early morning here . Did I tell you I'm an ardent swimmer? I swim almost every day and I'll be leaving in a few minutes to do just that. Crossing the bridge towards the east and watching the sun come out over the mountain, it's always a moment when I feel Him nearby, I'll be sure and have a very special thought. Have faith dear Debbie ! A big hug

  9. I'll be praying too-please keep us posted when you can. We love you.

  10. What an amazingly creative analogy, very well written. Love this post! Will be praying for your mom and family today. God be with you!

  11. We will be praying for your Mom, Debbie!! I hope everything goes well...stay positive, my friend!!! Hugs!

  12. Hoping for all the best for your Mom, Debbie.

  13. I will be thinking of you and your mom and hoping for the best. I hope all is well and the outcome positive.

  14. Debbie, looking up...Yes, faith & love...and time for reflection as you have done in this post...

  15. Thinking of you and your Mom - may the surgeon's talent and skill be tremendous!

  16. Dear Debbie,
    I will keep you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith..

  17. I am sure your mom's procedure is over now, but I will say a few prayers that the outcome was good. Keep the faith!

  18. hope all is Ok with your Mum, today such tradegy has hit the world once more and it must be really hard for many who have lost dear ones in the air and on the ground

  19. Oh Debbie I just read this post. I will say prayers for all of you. Hugs...

  20. thank you so much for reading my blogg and leaving such lovely comments, bless you :) I am following yours now, its beautiful. Lovely to meet you ! :) xxx

  21. Deb, you are the one who showed me to 'look up' every day.
    I will do that for your mom, and hope that it gets her through.
    These 'times' hit all of us ...
    I may need you to do the same for me next week..
    love and hugs, BJ

  22. Dear Debbie,
    First, I am so happy to hear that your mom is doing well.

    Thank you so much for traveling with Bebe to Tuscany, and your very kind words.
    I am so happy you enjoyed your stay

  23. Debbie, your mom will be in my prayers.



  24. Lovely views as always, Deb ... encouraging words. Sending you hugs across the miles and hopes for a wonderful week!

  25. Thinking of you and sending hopeful thoughts, Debbie. This post was beautiful, thank you for sharing and reminding me of what's truly important.

  26. I am holding you and your family in my heart and in my prayers. Life is certainly a roller-coaster; I can't imagine facing it without prayer. Bonnie

  27. Ah dear friend, thank you so much for this post. I'm sorry I've been so busy, I haven't been regularly visiting in Blogland. I'm so glad that your mum is doing well now -- praise the Lord. I too am pressing on in faith and waiting on God -- it's good to be reminded He is always with us and works all things out for our good! You and your family are in my prayers *hugs*


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