Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Give Thanks!

 "Praise the Lord.  Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever."  Psalm 106:1 (NIV)

Wishing all who are celebrating Thanksgiving this week a wonderful holiday and those who are not - blessings as well.


  Hugs Debbie

P.S. See you in December! 


  1. What a lovely picture of that little white church in the midst of the autumn greys. Happy Thanksgiving, Debbie, to you and all your loved ones.

  2. 💙 A verse with a lot of meaning for me. Thank you!

  3. A celebration that is unknown in Europe but giving thanks is always good. Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, Debbie!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Debbie. Wishing you and your family a wonderful day. May we all appreciate our blessings and having those we love in our lives. Enjoy!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you, dear friend. That picture looks like a church in the distance? We had our first big snow last week. : ) Stay warm and cozy during this cold season.


  6. Oh my, what a lovely image...'tis a gift to be simple...Wishing you a lovely holiday season, including this Thanksgiving Day. Sketchbook W.

  7. I came back to look at this photo, truly View from Harmony Hills. I did a little sketch of it in my journal, to remember it better. Thank you, Debbie. Love, Rita Sketchbook Wandering

  8. What a sweet church! Happy weekend!

  9. Yes, Happy Belated Thanksgiving! We had family and fun. Sorry I've been so absent. Thinking of you with hugs.


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