Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Preparing for Change

I have been spending time preparing for  change.

The photo here was taken this afternoon - sunny with temperatures being near 60.


Tonight wind, rain and snow are to arrive.

It is time to cozy up indoors and do some sketching...

catch up on reading...

and some painting.

What are some of your preparations for the winter season  (or for my friends in the southern hemisphere...summer)?

Hope you will share.


" prepared in season and out of season. " 2 Tim. 4:2b (NIV)  


  1. You have some lovely things to look forward to as the season changes, Debbie. I love that this season gets dark earlier, that it gets cold so that we long to draw nearer the fire (in my case, metaphorically) and pull out books that match the season (cold on the outside and warm and cozy on the inside). Enjoy!

  2. It looks like you have a plan for the wintry changes that will arrive soon. I am hoping for rain since it has been much too dry here, and we are having trouble with brush fires. I will be sketching and reading too. After Thanksgiving we are doing a road trip down to the Atlanta area for a celebration of life for my brother. There will be a lot of family to reconnect with and even a few new little members of the family to meet for the first time. Having so many members of the family together be good for us all. Have a great week!

  3. Love your paintings! Very inspiring, I hope to start painting again this winter. And a book like that is very inspiring as well! Enjoy!

  4. I don't know that I do much to prepare for the winter months. I'm lucky if I even remember to bring things inside for the winter.

  5. I am hoping to get back to my crafts again, work on my little bags that I am slow stitching. and finish up with the deep house clean.
    Hugs Kathy

  6. I heard it was snowing a little bit in your area. What a beautiful sketch of that bird. Love the photo of that dog on the book. Getting ready for winter.

  7. I'm looking forward to a stretch of cooler weather!

  8. We don't know if it'll be 90* or 60 here...I am so ready for cooler temps!

  9. I find I dread winter more each year and I should just take the time to hibernate and enjoy the indoor time with painting and reading instead. Our weather (and your’s) is up and down right now - 65 one day and 45 the next with colder nights. I love your sketches and paintings. Do you like the Jean Haines book? I find she has gone a bit far into abstraction for me…I think I preferred her a few year’s back and do have 1 or 2 of her earlier books. Enjoy winter when it comes. We’ve had our first snowfall that was just a dusting. - Rhonda Carpenter.

  10. Your home place is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the season. And, you're painting and sketching!! My current preparations are based more on my recovery from an injury than seasons, but I have been loving watching the changes of each day as I've had to slow down.

  11. The above was from me, Sketchbook Wandering...


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