Sunday, June 2, 2024


 The month of June marks the beginning of summer for many of us who live where we enjoy the four seasons of the year.  It brings roses...

Peonies and Salvia...

Sweet William - Bachelor Buttons...

and Larkspur to name a few.

The sweet cherry tree's blossoms of April bears fruit which in turn attracts

 so many lovely birds.

Yes, this beautiful month is just the start of what will follow.

Praying all of you are having a great beginning to June.



"In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands."  Psalm102:25


  1. It looks like you are enjoying the offerings of June...and there are so many. Have a wonderful June!!

  2. Love all the flowers. We had sweet williams when I was growing up. I always thought they were so pretty.

  3. The peonies are in bud here. After the shoots push through the earth, they grow inches every day. Nature is a wonder!

  4. The Sweet William is so pretty. What a striking color. That is neat that you have a cherry tree nearby, and those woodpeckers are a delight to see.

    Happy June days, Debbie.


  5. Your garden is lovely, why don't you join us each month in 'Through the Garden Gate.'

  6. A beautiful month to enjoy, your flowers are stunning.
    Thank you for sharing their beauty.

  7. So lovely to see all your flowers! Will there be any cherries left for you, after the birds? June is beautiful! Hugs, Judy.

  8. I love June... nothing has had a chance to burn up yet! lol

  9. You are a little behind me here in southern Tennessee. I would enjoy some of your cooler weather at the moment. My peonies have already bloomed and were shredded by a horrible storm. Not one of my bachelor buttons reseeded so I have purchased a brand new pack. Yours look great and that encourages me to get out this evening (when it cools down a bit) and plant the seeds.

  10. Jus saw your comment on my blog, thank you for that.

    Reading your profile comment made me somewhat emotional.

    [As an artist I enjoy capturing God's treasures found in nature. Life has taught me that the extraordinary is what ones sees in the ordinary. It is my deepest hope that those who visit me at Harmony Hills will find beauty here and rest for the soul. ]

    It's soooo true and so little noticed now a days. Even worse in my mind, we seem to lost track of God intention completely, which leaves us in complete trumoil heading to some sort of "Brave new World" dystopia.

    If you don't mind I'll put you on my tumbnail list.

    Agains thanks for you visit and comment.

  11. So beautiful, I enjoy all the colour and rich greens. Best wishes for a creative week.

  12. Such pretty flowers, and so much variety. Hope June brings you many delights!


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