Sunday, April 23, 2023

"There Rings a Melody"

 In the spring I find myself humming an old hymn "In My Heart There Rings a Melody".

When the azaleas burst out...

 the tulips and bluebells blossom...

the dogwood blooms...

and the garden comes alive.   All these make my heart ring with "heaven's harmony".  

How about you?  Does your heart want to sing?  Hope so.

May you all have a blessed week.



"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God." Psalm 40:3 a (NIV)


  1. A great week to you, Debbie
    Beautiful pictures, the dogwood is a lovely flower.

  2. Lovely photos-our dogwoods and redbuds bloom close the same time here-so pretty seeing the pinks and whites amongst the trees
    Have an awesome new week-hugs

  3. Lovely photo's Debbie and it's a joy to see our gardens beginning to fill with colour again. Have a good week.

  4. All things in nature are coming alive in your area right now. Yes, it seems that it lifts our moods and we want to sing more! I've always wanted to see the Dogwood tree because of their story. And look at your azaleas! It's been sunny here, so Spring is arriving slowly, but surely. Have a beautiful Spring week, Debbie.


  5. Love all the flowers! Yes, makes my heart sing!

  6. Spring has a charm as special as seeing the countryside and gardens wake up after winter, the sage sprouts and becomes flowery and beautiful all for our greatest enjoyment.
    Best regards.

  7. Love the plain white dogwood blooms.

  8. Thanks for sharing, those flowers are so beautiful, as well as that song!

    There are times I find myself humming quietly, for I find it quite relaxing.

    God Bless you!

  9. Seeing all the trees and flowers in boom make my heart sing. This is such a magical time of year! Enjoy your week!!


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