Sunday, April 16, 2023


How many of you feel a wee bit overwhelmed with the return of nice weather?

Yes, it is wonderful not to have to wear a coat and boots.  Great awaking to the sound of bird song out the window.

Lovely to sip morning coffee enjoying the garden after a long winter nap.

All of these make the season of spring welcome.

However, I find myself running from task to task.  Torn between taking time to capture what is blooming...

to preparing the garden for more blooms.

Then there is the indoor chores that need finished.  Seems like when the sun starts shining and the days grow longer one seems to see how much dirt clings to nooks and crannies that have gone unnoticed during the colder months.

Ah such is life at this time of the year.  

Perhaps I need to take a lesson from these two...sit a spell and quietly accept that not everything must be done at once.  There is no reason why some things cannot wait.

 Maybe visit the swing...

"Look Up" and enjoy God's Amazing Sunrise.

Guess I found the cure for being overwhelmed.

How about you?  Do you have a cure too?  Hope you will share. 

Have a blessed week!



"He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters. he restores my soul." Psalm 23:2 (NIV)


  1. I know what you mean, Debbie. I was outside raking leaves today, cause it was a nice day, and there is so much work to do out there after a long winter, and especially after the snow days. Your tree is starting to blossom. No flowers here yet, as the weather could change in the mountains at any time. Your dogs look so content just sitting out there and taking it all in. And that cardinal! What a nice surprise to see on your blog today. He sure is a beauty.

    Happy Spring days, and I guess my way of thinking is..... one day at a time. : )


  2. Beautiful Psalm. He restores me soul. That's my answer too, 😄

  3. excellent message-yes we can slow down and enjoy the day. I was getting overwhelmed too last week-so much to do-must pace ourselves. hugs Happy new week

  4. Me too. I have a long list of indoor hobbies I am trying to pursue yet the better weather calls for me to be outside tending the garden. I'm not complaining as none of it is a chore .... it is just a collection of 'pleasures' begging for my attention.

  5. Beautiful post
    Warmer weather feels better than it has in years.

  6. I know, it takes some adjusting when spring arrives. I don't have a garden anymore but my balcony pots need attending. But I love spring, so no complaining from me.

  7. Debbie, exact same feelings and happenings around here - just not enough hours in a day to do it all. I do usually sit on the front porch for 15 mins. around 4:30 pm enjoying the garden - after working in it just about daily right now - before making supper. That is my favorite time of day and I try to forget all the pollen being walked through the house, the dust and chores awaiting inside, and just relax for a while!
    Mary -

  8. Hello my good friend-yes, the warm weather gets us moving again, and seems to make those cobwebs shine more than they did in the winter! We are back to cold weather, but only for a few days. We saw bits of snow yesterday :( Your watercolors are gorgeous (I had to peek close up!)

  9. What beautiful photos, I think you have to enjoy all the seasons, live them especially and see the best of them, I also see paintings and papers, inspiration is awakened that is good.
    Best regards.

  10. I pretty much stay overwhelmed for some reason or the other. The thought of summer overwhelms me also, I hate the heat. Your blooms are looking great. I already have thrown out seeds, I have something coming up in a pot but not so much in the flowerbed....going to wait a day or two longer to see what or if something comes up. I might not care for the summer heat but I love the flowers.

  11. I know that overwhelmed feeling well--why do I think I have to do everything all at once? I've been trying to choose the three most important things to do in a day, do them, then relax. It's hard! Hope you're enjoying all the pleasures of spring.

  12. I think that there is so much to see at this time of year and we don't want to miss anything. There is so much in bloom and I want to capture it all before it disappears. Like you I need to stop, relax, sit a spell, look up and just breathe. Enjoy what you are seeing this week!

  13. Dear Debbie, Your posts are so lovely, full of faith, beautiful photos and words. Keep up your blog more than ever!! Kind regards, ((Hugs)) Sadami


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