Sunday, April 30, 2023


 I am doing my best to capture all the spring blooms before they are gone.

With the warmer temperatures in April it seemed to fast forward the daffodils and tulips as well as so many of the early flowers this year.

 The dogwoods generally wait until the end of the month or the first of May before they make their show.  This season though they started blooming two weeks earlier.

Every day I spot the male cardinals.

I know they are very busy with their courting.

I am sure going to miss these sweeties.  It seems like they are only here for such a short time.

Well this is what has been happening at Harmony Hills this week.

Hope when you stop by you will let me know how spring is going in your world or for my friends in the southern hemisphere, autumn.  Both are lovely times of the year.

God Bless and have a great week.



 P.S. It is to be cold here this week...even hearing a possible snow flake or two!!  That may slow things down a bit.

"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields it fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.  Whatever he does prospers."  Psalm 1:2-3 (NIV) 


  1. Brrr we have been very very windy and cooler here too. lovely blooms-and I love your art-so pretty.
    Happy new week Kathy

  2. Thank you, for sharing those beautiful photos, and that lovely verse!

    God's Grace, to you!

  3. I love your sketches/drawings. Beautiful! Yep, the early blooms go so quickly. Lovely photos, too.

  4. Love your capture! Trees are getting greener and greener here. Alternate rain and sunshine here. It's not quite warm enough to put away the winter coat.

  5. Hello! We are chilly too-with lots of rain. Our daffodils are still blooming-late this year. I am glad you show what you are painting. Lovely! The Bible verse is one of my favorites. God bless you my friend.

  6. What a delight to see the red cardinal every day. They are surely striking birds. We had a late Spring, so the flowers are just starting to open. The daffodils are so cheerful, and I can see why you will miss them. I really liked the Psalm verse today, it's special.

    Happy May Debbie.


  7. Lovely artwork. The flowers of spring don't last long enough. The warmer weather we had gave plants a boost forward this year.

  8. wow your artwork is really beautiful dear Debbie ! you indeed have a gift to express your imagery artfully :)
    the dramatic changes in weather seem to puzzle everything including spring blooms .
    your captures are lovely and fill my heart with joy and gratitude .thank you so much for sharing the glory of dear God showering in your part of land :)
    loved most the cardinal sitting on sprouting branch so artistic look !
    hugs and best wishes!

  9. Dear Debbie, Your paintings are beautiful. Posts are full of faith, beautiful photos and words. Blog visitors will rest on your quotes. Thank you. Kind regards, ((Hugs)) Sadami

  10. I love your sketch Jo, and what a great idea to capture the spring blooms like that. Fabulous!!

    1. I'm so sorry Debbie, I had another senior moment and typed the wrong name.

  11. I love your sketch of the spring blooms! I really enjoy this time of year, especially with all the trees blooming. Those are slowly on the way out as the green leaves push their way out. Enjoy all of it! Have a great week.

  12. Your paintings are always exquisite. And Cardinals are one of my favorite birds Doesn't he look like a flower in your garden!


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