Sunday, July 3, 2022

Red, White & Blue

Tomorrow we will be celebrating the Red, White and Blue. 

The fireworks have already began.  We saw lovely ones last evening from a friend's home.  They live in view of a lake and every year there is a beautiful display.  It is so amazing to see all those colors brilliantly sparkling in the evening sky and then reflecting on the water.

Tonight from our hillside we caught a few more happening.


 July 4th  has always been a favorite holiday of mine.  Who doesn't love a cookout and getting together with family and friends to celebrate?

Wishing all those who will be gathering to enjoy the fourth, a safe and happy one .

To all my friends in other lands have a wonderful week.



"Then all the people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy..."  Nehemiah 8:12 (NIV)    


  1. Hi Debbie, Happy 4th I just came in off the deck watching 2 hours of fireworks all over on the lake-glorious

  2. Seeing the fireworks from the hillside where you live sounds fantastic. We worry about the fireworks living up here in the mountains, as we often get the fires every Summer.

    Happy 4th of July, dear friend. Have a pleasant and safe day.


  3. God bless you my friend. Thinking of you on this day.

  4. Yay for the red, white, and blue! Ii love those hollyhocks! The 4th is a favorite holiday of mine too.

  5. Wishing you a wonderful 4th of July Debbie.

  6. Happy 4th of July!!! I'm glad you have been able to see the fireworks in several places. I'm hearing them here at home, but not seeing them. lol Have a wonderful week!

  7. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  8. Love your post. We had a great time celebrating as well. Happy belated Fourth!! Love the flag cooler!


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