Sunday, July 10, 2022


 Ah sweet summertime has arrived.  It gifts us with sunshine and shadows...heavenly skies and green fields...

 blackberries ripening on the vine...

early apples that make the best sauce...

wild daisies growing along the fence row...

time to read...

time to create.

Hope you will share what summertime is bringing you.

Have a blessed week sweet friends!



"Shout with joy to God, all the earth!  Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious!  Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds."  Psalm 66:1-3a (NIV)


  1. Debbie, I like your new blog design. It's nice to change sometimes. It sounds like you are having a nice Summer. Those daisies growing along the fence are sweet, and they remind me of my mom. And your apples can be picked and used for so many things, how wonderful. I remember picking blackberries on the bushes growing up. I really miss that, as they are so expensive at the stores now. I hope the book you are reading is a good one. Your photos always tell a lovely story. I'm enjoying Summer here also, and it hasn't gotten too warm yet.

    Have a blessed week, Debbie.


  2. beautiful Debbie, loved seeing the farm land too

  3. Love your photos. Looks like summer fun. Especially the paints on the table!

  4. Love your summer photos, Debbie! Especially the painting one! And the summer skies! Summer brings me a balcony full of flowers and bees. And wonderful cool summer mornings. Hugs!

  5. Happy Summer, Debbie
    Your scenery is calming beauty.

  6. Hello good friend! There's nothing like sweet summer days. I'm glad you have time to do some relaxing things. Give the dogs a hug for me!

  7. Summertime, summertime! When it's time to read, time to create (I want to sit there with you in that cozy nook), and time to sample the fruits ripening on the vines. Couldn't wish for anything better.

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, Debbie.

  8. Beautiful photos, Debbie! Hugs!

  9. Lovely photos of summer in your area! It looks like you have a perfect spot to watch the beauty of the season. I enjoyed the blue sky and the ocean waves at the beach today with good friends. A perfect way to pass time. Have a wonderful week!

  10. Beautiful photos. The greenery looks so lush.

  11. Such lovely summer simple pleasures!


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