Sunday, June 26, 2022


Take a "look" and see what summer has brought to our "neck of the woods".

 Orange day lilies everywhere...

a fragrant beauty...

black raspberries,  that will be certain to find their way into a pie or two...

cabbages and beans growing well in the summer heat...

and last but not least a peaceful countryside.

Thank you for taking time to "look".

Hope everyone has a blessed week.



"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." Prov. 15:30 (NIV)


  1. You live in Amish country?? ❤️

  2. Beautiful Debbie, its been so hot here that our daylilies have not bloomed yet. I love your pink one-and yum for the wild berries-have a good week
    Hugs from the lake

    1. Oh and I enjoyed seeing the Amish buggies. Our family farm in Indiana was in Amish country

  3. That is a wonderful look into your beautiful garden and countryside! Enjoy summer! Hugs!

  4. We find pleasant surprises when we take the time to look, don't we? Your garden is growing nicely, Debbie. My dad had a garden across the street from our house growing up, and he would bring home the best looking veggies, and my mom would cook them for supper that night. Your raspberries will be nice for so many different things. You live in such a peaceful and pretty countryside.

    Have a blessed week, Debbie.


  5. Oh my goodness, what beautiful flowers. I love all the pictures!

  6. A feast for the eyes and soul - wonderful. Your area looks like such a haven, it is a joy to 'visit'.

  7. Debbie, I love seeing the lovely photos you take of the things around you that you appreciate so much. Thanks for inviting us over. Have a wonderful week!

  8. Beautiful flowers, Debbie! I have to admit that my mouth started to water when I saw the raspberries. Hugs!

  9. Your gardens are lovely, as always. Have you had to water them? We are quite dry here.

  10. Debbie, the Mazapan candy that I had was a peanut candy. Not sure if it has ground hazelnuts or not. It's pretty good, but it's soft and crumbles, so it may be used for baking also. They sell a Marzipan candy at See's, my favorite candy shop, and it's really good.

    Happy Fourth of July weekend, dear Debbie.



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