Sunday, June 19, 2022

Special Occasion - Vacation - Other Happenings

Yesterday hubby and I celebrated a special occasion.  It was our 45th wedding anniversary.  Amazing how quickly time flies when one is having fun.  For sure those 45 years have passed far too quickly.

It also marked the beginning of vacation for a few days.

So looking forward to a rest and a bit of relaxation.  It is a rare June that we don't take some time off to putter around the place, ride the bike, eat out and do some day trips.   Hoping this week will be no exception.

 Happy to see the orange day lilies beginning to bloom...

the delicate pink poppies...

and hollyhocks.

Our neighbor was finally able to get the field cut and ready to bale.   We have had so much rain that it has been a challenge for our farmers to make hay.  Generally by this time they have had the first cutting and looking at a second by the end of the month...not this year. 

Been receiving some delightful snail mail from a dear friend Kathy over at "Hummingbird Studio at the Lake."  She makes wonderful mixed media pieces and does such lovely art.  Her envelopes  are sealed with her own wax stamp.  

Then another dear friend Debra at "Feather Garden" sent a card and note with this beautiful insert inside.  Debra like Kathy is always busy  creating something extraordinary.  Both of these gals are so talented and their creativity never fails to inspire me

Thank you both for sharing your gifts of art.

Well friends have a wonderful week.



"They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness."  Psalm 145:7 (NIV)


  1. good evening, Happy Anniversary to you both, and congratulations on 45 years. when we celebrated our 40th this month I thought back on all the things we have done through the years-a wonderful life for sure.
    I am so happy you enjoyed the card and Debra's is really beautiful=you both are special artists. Hoping you enjoy your days off -hugs from the lake Kathy

    1. oh and lovely flowers too, our day lilies have not bloomed yet but it has been really hot here I love peonies

  2. Dear Debbie, Hubby, Happy 45th anniversary!! You've shared time in ups and downs with faith. Enjoy your marriage and love more than ever. You're in my prayer. Best wishes, Sadami

  3. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je te souhaite à toi et ton époux un très joyeux anniversaire de mariage. 45 ans de vie commune, c'est formidable et glorieux de nos jours ! Je te fais des bisous bisous et profitez bien de ce moi de juin.
    Bisous bisous

  4. Happy anniversary and vacation! The hollyhocks take me to New Mexico, nice memories. Thanks.

  5. Happy Anniversary Debbie. 45 years is very special, indeed. I'm glad to hear you got so much rain. It is much needed here, and we are in somewhat of a drought situation. I've never seen pink poppies before. Your hollyhocks are pretty also. I hope you get to take a little vacation. Can't believe we are in mid June. So thoughtful of your blog friends to send you little things. It's always nice to get surprises in the mail.

    Have a good week, Debbie.


  6. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!!! I hope you enjoy your vacation and some time off to do things you've wanted to do. The pink poppies are quite unusual. I've seen the traditional red and yellow ones and even white ones, but not pink. Have a great time!!!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I know you are busy in the garden this time of year. I love to hear what you've been doing. I hope your garden will be bountiful. Have fun too. Love you!

  8. Happy anniversary to you both. Wishing you a wonderful vacation with lots more memory making.

  9. Hi Debbie,
    Happy birthday, celebrating 45 years of marriage is really beautiful and super special.
    I wish you a wonderful vacation.

  10. Happy Anniversary! I love your collection of flowers.

  11. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you and your husband a wonderful time. God bless both of you. Love your flowers.

  12. Congratulations my that many more years are fulfilled, together and happy.
    Best regards.

  13. Dear Debbie,
    Happy Anniversary, my best wishes for you and your husband on this very special celebration of 45 years. Have a wonderful vacation.
    blessings dear friend

  14. Belated but heartfelt congratulations to you both, Debbie. Hope you enjoyed a refreshing and uplifting break and time to reconnect. I always love your pictures of flowers--and hollyhocks are some of my favorites.


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