Sunday, May 1, 2022

May Flowers

Those April Showers did bring May flowers.  Even though a great part of the month was cold and blustery we still had hope that it would warm up and become spring like.  It appears warmer days are here. 
Sweet Violets always mark the arrival of spring. (Will be gathering some for pressing and making jelly.) 

The pink azaleas seemed to open over night.  Always so glad to see them bloom.

Today I am putting out the grape jelly for the Baltimore Orioles and sugar water for the hummers.  Would not be surprised they will be here this week.  Don't want them to be disappointed when they stop for their seasonal visit.

Have peas and lettuce planted...hoping to see them popping up soon.

Spotted Mrs. Squirrel on a branch.  Hmm - wonder if she is glad May has arrived.

I know I am.   How about you?  Maybe you will share what your plans are for this coming month.  Would love to know.

Well take care dear friends and have a delightful week.



"...I will send rain on the land."  1 Kings: 18:1b


  1. Debbie, I believe Mrs. Squirrel is quite happy that May has arrived. What do you think her plans are? I often wonder what goes through the minds of our little creatures in the world. I have no traveling plans soon, but I hope to pick up my paint brushes if time allows and also get back to my needle felting, and spend time in the garden.
    I love violets, I wish they would grow here.

  2. Hi Debbie, the flowers look pretty I lived in north carolina for awhile way way back when haha and I always loved the azaleas there.
    I love the wild violets-I am making a soothing soap for the skin with the wild violet leaves this afternoon, the recipe from Jan Berry makes just a few guest soaps so I am off to pick another 1/4 cup of the violet leaves and make and other melt and pour batch of soap they did turn out a lovely green too Happy May Day Hugs Kathy

  3. Bonjour ma chère Debbie, En ce premier mai, je te souhaite plein de bonheur ! Je te remercie pour ce délicieux billet. Tes photos sont très belles. Le printemps est ma saison préférée avec le réveil de la nature qui nous offre des couleurs... des fleurs merveilleuses et des verts acidulés.
    Je te fais de gros bisous

  4. Debbie, thank you for coming over to meet the babies, and your sweet comment
    . In answer to your question.. I dry my rose petals and put them in sachet bags with a drop of rose oil. My lavender, I just dry it then zip the seeds off with my fingers and put in bags also. I like to keep lavender bags in my drawers. I I cannot keep up with the lavender right now, it is bursting.
    You mentioned you used your scented geraniums, I love those! I have yet to find them here. Regular, but not the scented.

  5. Your flowers are so pretty. I am totally enjoying our trees in seems to be everywhere. The tulips are competing with the daffs right now, so it is nice to see. Today was beautiful, sunny, and warm...just the kind of day you want to spend outdoors and enjoy what surrounds us. Have a great week, my friend!

  6. No big plans. A few University of Texas baseball games left. One today which was a beautiful day. Our team lost. Sigh. We are at the end of the Bluebonnets, wine cups and Primroses. Soon we will have Mexican Hats and lots of yellow flowers that seem to be in the daisy family.

  7. Lovely photos. The first sighted violet in the lawn was seen yesterday. More purple in the white violets than I remember last year.

  8. Debbie, your azaleas are blooming so nicely. I used to have a big bush of them in the front of my old house, but they were bright pink. Oh, the hummingbirds and orioles are going to love the sugar water and grape jelly you have prepared for them. Have never heard of that before. I am also seeing the squirrels around my yard more, and wish I appreciated them like you do, but they scare me.

    Well, the month of May is my favorite month, Debbie, as it's Mother's Day and my birthday month. Your photo of the azaleas and the lamp post is so pretty. And I love the verse you shared and was so thankful to get rain here as well.

    Happy May!


  9. Azaleas are so lovely. I've never tried growing them because I think our summers will kill them. Spring is here but we're having some cool days right now - for which I am grateful. May is going to be a busy month for me I think.

  10. I need the refreshment of spring. Praise God for his nature!

  11. Happy Mother's Day, dear Debbie. I hope you have a pleasant and relaxing day. It's such a special day to honor all Mother's, and I was so fortunate to have a dear one. Thank you for stopping by and saying hello for Mother's Day. I appreciate that very much.


    1. I loved hearing about the story of your Chatty Cathy doll, and how your Mom stood in line for hours at the department store just to get it for you. It was a heartwarming story. I'm so glad you still have that doll today sitting in your family room. : )


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