Sunday, April 24, 2022


Finally there are signs that spring has arrived.  These tulips know it.  They opened right up to the warm weather we had this weekend.

The flowering trees are beginning to bloom.

 Fields are greening up.

Cherry blossoms are beginning to show.

Virginia Bluebells are gracing the garden with their delicate frills.

When the hummers return that is when I know spring has arrived at last.

Hoping all of you are seeing some signs too.

Have a blessed week.



"I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below..." Acts 2:19 (NIV)   


  1. Beautiful Spring flowers Debbie, Our redbuds are just finishing here and the dogwoods should be out blooming now too. we are still getting lots of rain here, but the soil seems to be needing it.
    Happy New week hugs Kathy

    1. Oh and I love the hummingbird painting. we are seeing just a couple hummers, thinking they may have gotten delayed from all the storms in the area. we did get a surprise though as we had an oriole drop by today

  2. Debbie, love the photos. Your painting is so great and brings me hope for hummers here.

  3. I love your photos Debbie! No hummers here but other small birds, and they are so lovely when they feed on my small balcony. Love your painting! I just love spring! Hugs!

  4. Lovely painting and pictures
    Happy Spring!

  5. You are seeing wonderful signs of Spring, Debbie. The hummingbirds have already arrived here, and I'm seeing dandelions on the lawn. That is always a sure sign Spring is coming. The Bluebells are so pretty, and the green fields are lovely. Those red poppies are something else. They are gorgeous. I always have to stop for red flowers and red birds.

    Have a good Spring week, dear Debbie.


  6. Love the warm weather! And your hummer painting! I wish I could take watercolor lessons from you! I hope your week is wonderful my friend.

  7. Such beautiful signs of spring! The hummingbird painting is wonderful. I didn't know until I read the comments that you painted it. It's beautiful! We have three or four little hummingbirds visiting the feeders.

  8. I am so happy that you are getting such beautiful signs of spring. After a slow and cold start, it has arrived in full force over here and I am sure it will feel like summer before too long. I haven't been blogging for about 2 months but I think I'm ready to start over.

  9. Spring is beautiful in your part of the world!

  10. My Bluebells are magnificent this year. I have been thinking about you quite a bit. I hope you are able to enjoy this beautiful time of year.

    1. Lisa so glad to hear from you. I hope you are doing fine. Glad those bluebells are blooming for you. Must write you a letter soon. Hugs!

  11. Love your bright-colored tulips and the rest of the pictures. Ah, beautiful painting too. I just love spring time, everywhere is bright with flowers and singing birds. I hear them throughout the day in my place especially when the sunshine shows up. I can see now from my window that buds from trees are coming out. Other trees have already full blown leaves. Wishing you a wonderful new week and good health.


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