Monday, November 1, 2021

Good Morning Friends

- wishing all of you a wonderful start to November.

It is an early Monday as I write this post.

We are seeing a change in the weather...temperatures are cooler and a killing frost is in the forecast for us this coming week.

So unusual to still be picking zucchini this late in the season.  What an unusual autumn!

   Even the trees were reluctant to don their fall colors.

 Maybe this means winter might be late!!  We will just have to wait and see.

Well dear ones have a blessed week.  



"The harvest is past, the summer has ended...Jeremiah 8:20a (NIV)


  1. A blessed week to you, Debbie
    Some trees here are also holding onto green, not many though.

  2. I hope these November days are good ones for you, Debbie. While you are
    having a late Autumn, ours was early here in the mountains. There is already
    snow on the mountaintop, and I hear we are in for a big snowfall this Winter.
    I'm glad you're still getting zucchini. It's such a good veggie to cook with meals.
    It's always a pleasure to visit your peaceful and dear blog.


  3. You are a good gardener! I know you work hard to can and save all of your produce. I'm hoping our winter will be late too! So far we have the heat turned down-I'm amazed we could get by so long without a frost! I hope your week is wonderful!

  4. Debbie, hopefully our November will be filled with glorious color. I'm glad the temps stayed mild enough that there is a lot of fresh produce at the markets. I'll be sorry to see that end. Have a wonderful first week of November!!!

  5. Enjoy your fall days, Debbie. We finally got some cooler weather here in Florida! And it looks like fall outside. I'm enjoying every minute before it gets back into the 80s.

  6. It is finally getting really pleasant down here in Texas. Still sunny, but nice and cool.

  7. Bonjour chère amie,

    Dame Novembre est arrivée très vite sur la pointe des pieds...
    Je te souhaite un très joli mois... Je ne peux pas dire que ce soit la saison que je préfère.
    Mais lorsque le printemps pointera le bout de son nez nous serons encore plus joyeux !
    Merci pour l'ensemble de tes belles photos.
    Chez moi dans le sud de la France, nous avons beaucoup d'arbres à feuilles persistantes si bien que la nature ne semble pas trop se dévêtir !
    Je t'embrasse affectueusement,

    Gros bisous

  8. I hope you enjoy your November days. I love this time of year and am always sad when it speeds by. If possible, I like to draw out each day to the limit.

  9. The Easter story is hilarious! I might even know that poor organist - who must have been so upset at the time! Hope there was no cantata planned! Oh my! By the by, I love your site! This is my first visit but not the last! Have a blessed day, Debbie! Keep using your gifts!


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For The Birds

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