Sunday, August 10, 2014

While Absent

Look what happened while absent.

 July stumbled into August!

Sunflowers and phlox showed up in the garden...

 beans were put up for winter...

 a  local car show took place...

An old cemetery was discovered.

a bit of tangling went on...

 and a few tomatoes started to ripen.

Most importantly I missed You!    So glad to be back.    Have a blessed day.


  1. So glad to have you back! Love the photos Debbie.

  2. It's good to have you back, Debbie! A lot did happen. How is Sarge doing?
    Kathryn XX

  3. What a lot has happened - and so wonderful to see.

  4. Hope you enjoyed your break from blogging. Your photos tell a story of enjoyment.

  5. Trust you had a fabulous break and what love images for us to see

  6. looks like wonderful things have been happening and i bet those tomatoes are going to be delicious. Glad to see you back, hope you had a nice little break

  7. Just beautiful, Debbie! Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Glad you're back!



  9. I'm happy you are back and had a nice time! I will be on vacation until September so will be off my blog for a while, see you again when I get back.

  10. Welcome Back! You have been missed.
    That's quite a lot of tomatoes to harvest. They look wonderful.

  11. Missed you too, Debbie! But my! How busy you've been!!! I hope you are feeling that satisfaction with a job well down. And I must say, you have some paintable photographs here!! Love that old Corvette too!

  12. So many beautiful surprises! Your pictures are quite eloquent by themselves. It's already this time of the season where is nature is bountiful and keeps us busy. I'm glad you had some good time Debbie. Happy return,xx

  13. Glad to see you back, Debbie! What a wonderful things to find on your return.

  14. Welcome back, Debbie--hope you had a lovely and refreshing break. That first photo, especially, would make a nice painting :).

  15. Glad you are back! Love seeing what you've done...

  16. OMGoodness! look at you, with your beans and tomatoes.
    I'm glad your back ... !
    I might just paint that sunflower. !!! It's too good to pass up.
    Or better yet , you paint it !

  17. Dear Debbie
    We missed you too - but it looks like you have been busy so we'll forgive you. I have the same Phlox - it stays in flower for such a long time doesn't it - worth it's place in the garden. your tomatoes look good too - just the right size for popping in your mouth before they even reach the kitchen! Love the black and white sketches of your berries. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  18. Beautiful photos, Debbie... Glad you're back!!!

  19. Welcome back, Debbie! I hope you enjoyed your time away. Looks like life kept on moving in your area. Lovely photos. I like your tangles!

  20. Thank you so much for wandering over for a visit..
    I am honored to receive such a wonderful comment from an artist such as you... I really love your work.
    Wishing you a great week.
    p.s. So happy you enjoyed the music... She is one of my favorite artists.

  21. What a garden bounty!!! And beautiful artwork as always, Deb ... you certainly have been busy!!! So delighted your summer is going well! Sending hugs!

  22. What a garden bounty!!! And beautiful artwork as always, Deb ... you
    certainly have been busy!!! So delighted your summer is going well! Sending

  23. It's always good to take a break, I'm about due for one. I love the photo with sunflower, phlox, silo and evergreens in the background. Your doggies are looking great!

  24. Looks like you've been busy but so glad you're back!

  25. Welcome back to blogland. I can see that you have been busy. Those green beans look yummy. Love seeing your garden and doggies.


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