Wednesday, August 13, 2014


 Most often August is generally very hot and dry here.   This year though we are enjoying cool temperatures.   The garden has received an abundance of rain all summer.   This has made everything flourish.
 I am appreciating that the flowers are still blooming well.
These morning glories will keep the show going until frost.

 The dill seems to love the extra moisture.   It has spread everywhere.

Don't recall the poppies ever blooming this late in the summer.  They dislike hot weather.

Holly Hocks continue to grow tall.  Wonder if they are trying to touch the sky!

Even the field remains lush and green.  It still needs mowed every week.

Some folks enjoy those "dog days" of August.  I much prefer skipping them.   How about you?

Thanks for taking time to visit.   Hope you have a great end to your week.    God Bless!


  1. Debbie your garden is so lush and pretty! So green like the UK!!

  2. Pixie Dear, Your garden looks like a painting!! That arch!! Gorgeous! It has been cool here, too, comparatively...and possibly 58 tonight...unheard of!! You have had more rain than we have, though...nightly watering is still a *must* here...I want to try poppies next year as well...
    Back soon!

  3. Lovely post about August.
    The morning glories here also last well into Autumn.

  4. What a lovely garden you have Debbie - so far our August hasn't lived up to expectations, much cooler and already feeling autumnal - I do hope we have some warmer weather before autumn arrives proper. The dogs look so majestic posing on the lawn. And those |Morning Glories look simply wonderful. Mine all got munched by slugs before they even had a chance to get going. Hey ho.

  5. If our temps never went over 75, I'd be happy. And don't let me start on the humidity!!! Still, while I personally don't think we've had all that much rain, I know others think we have, but I love the rainy weather and watercolor skies!

  6. Your rainy days sound like a slice of heaven. It is terribly hot here right now and can't wait to say good bye to the dog days.

  7. We are getting some thunder showers every afternoon and evening now and that's ok by me as long as the mornings are full of sun.

  8. This time of year is my favorite! Your garden looks so beautiful - healthy and lush. Lovely photo, Debbie!
    Kathryn XX

  9. It all looks so beautiful and lush, and it looks like your dogs love it.
    I love the weather this summer, we are normally so humid here in NC and it's been pretty mild, its great

  10. Much too hot where I live. Only early in the morning and late at night I go out and watch the stars and planes flying overhead. Sometimes see sattellites and the shuttle.

  11. I think the weather is perfect! No watering is needed. Right now it's cool and no humidity. I love your garden!

  12. Lovely photos and we are certainly enjoying cooler summer days - love it!! Apparently, the plants love it, too :)

  13. I love seeing your photos. This has been a very mild far the temps have been nice. Until yesterday we were a bit lacking in rain...but then it came all at once. We had nearly 14 inches of rain in the morning which caused a lot of flooding on the roads and in people's homes. Luckily we had no problems at home. Enjoy the rest of the summer. It is going by so fast.

  14. Hi Debbie. Your photos are so lovely. They give me a glimpse into what life is like for you. Seems as though the whole world is struggling with strange weather this year. Perhaps it makes us realise how intertwined our lives are with it and makes us appreciate the fragility of our climate. Sorry a bit deep today. Anyway thanks for your messages recently. Really appreciate them. Have a lovely summer whatever the weather. Love Laura xx

  15. Such beauty -- to be surrounded by it, even though it is a ton to take care of, must give you such a wonderful sense of peace!! ENJOY Deb -- you so deserve it! Hugs!

  16. And a beautiful August it is, Debbie!!

  17. Hi Debbie! I had forgotten all about foxgloves. We used to have some along the house when I was young. Great memories! Thanks for writing to me, I appreciate your kind words. Have a wonderful time this weekend!

  18. What a beautiful garden. Enjoy it as long as you can. August is a special month in our garden here too.

  19. Everything is so green and beautiful there! Our August (so far) has been cooler than in the past few years, it's actually been closer to what the temperatures used to be in these mountains. I have a feeling that September might be hotter than usual, but I sure hope I'm wrong.



  20. Mornin' Debbie, How are you this beautiful Sonday? Your gardens are so lovely!! I love that gorgeous's such an outstanding piece! We have been blessed with cooler summer and rain (though we could use a bit more rain around here) I know certain things can take over in a garden like morning glories, but they are still a favorite of mine....Your setting and views are over the top beautiful~~~Blessings~~~Roxie


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