Sunday, August 17, 2014


For the past three days I have been puttering.

Did some in the studio...

some in the vegetable patch...

 and just a little in the kitchen.
White Chocolate Raspberry Bars

Hot Air Balloon
Then when my puttering was done spotted this lovely sight.   Hubby captured it on film.   So glad he did.

Hope all of you had some time to putter as well.
Have a blessed week!


  1. That's a pretty painting, Debbie...and those white chocolate raspberry bars look delicious!



  2. Such a beautiful post Debbie! I love getting an insight into your life that you live and celebrate to the full! You are an inspiration!! You've done a gorgeous sketch of your flowers - what are the blue ones?How lovely to spot the hot air balloon!

  3. Lovely post, Debbie! It looks like you have done some very creative, constructive "puttering" this weekend.

  4. Good evening Debbie,
    Wonderful post... The photo of your vegies is great.. Nothing like home grown..
    Your painting is just beautiful.. Love the colors of your flowers..
    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.

  5. I love your painting Debbie - just lovely. What a lot of tomatoes and peppers - do you grow the peppers outside? And the cake looks scrumptious - glad you enjoyed puttering about (my favourite occupation.)

  6. I have never tried puttering - must give it a whirl. Looks a successful idea :)

  7. Puttering ? I've never heard that expression. When I do a bit of this and that , I say I'm pottering, I guess it's the same. I enjoyed your post seeing a bit of everything, especially your painting, such pretty detail and the basket full of such lovely fresh vegs, to be turned into a tasty meal.

  8. Looks like you have had a thoroughly good puttering, not a term I have ever heard but yours has produced some lovely results

  9. Oh you got so much done!! I didn't do much of anything...watched grandkids Saturday night and got thrown up on several times Sunday morning. I did knit...And those raspberry white chocolate bars look and sound scrumptious!

  10. I love to putter! Glad you got the chance to do so this weekend. I didn't do much of anything this weekend, it was sooo hot. I did get to read inside quite a bit, and that was a nice thing to do.

  11. Sometimes puttering gets more done, doesn't it? Very pretty painting and yummy-looking treats.

  12. Beautiful photos....LOVE that basket of Veggies!!!

  13. Dear Debbie, nice to puttering as well as I see from your blog ... garden, kitchen and you painted flowers inso fresh charming way. Have lovely week!

  14. oh i love puttering, i don't do it as much as i used to, it looks like yours was very successful, with yummy food and pretty painting :)

  15. There's not much puttering around in this horrid heat :( Hope we get some cooler weather soon.

  16. Your puttering looks so much more yummy than mine - even the painting looks like those blue flowers are on top of the paper, they are so 3D, the way you've photographed them. Have a wonderful week.

  17. Love your flower waterpainting! So delicate.
    You look like a wonderful cook Debbie. Your dessert looks real yummy. I just managed to prepare some prune jam. I like puttering too...Hugs

  18. Oh boy .. Love the painting but those white choc raspberry bars make my mouth water. Do you give out recipes?
    The balloons are abundant in New Mexico in late September onwards. We have to cool down first. Nice to see one up there. Good seeing you posting.

  19. Love seeing your gorgeous watercolors .
    Isn't puttering divine at times !

  20. Love your painting! Isn't it fun to just putter some days?

  21. Oh my heart be still, chocolate raspberry bars!!!!!! You are so lucky we are miles and miles apart . LOL
    Your painting is much more that just puttering. Beautiful.
    Your last post showing your garden and sweet dogs: the garden looks so lush and wonderful. We have only had 2 days of rain since June and things are very dry. Have to water a lot to just keep things alive.

  22. That is Happy, Creative Puttering, I think. And then, a lovely surprise in the sky. That's a lovely painting, Debbie.

  23. Oh my gracious, Deb -- from glorious paintings to a harvest to die for to decadent sweets -- wow!!! A joyous summer indeed! LOVE these!

  24. I always love seeing what is going on over there! Your lovely painting looks 3 dimensional.

  25. I want to come live in your house!


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