Sunday, June 15, 2014

Honoring My Father

Spent the day honoring my father.  

"Honor your father and mother" - which is the first commandment with a promise - so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."   Ephesians 6:2-3 (NIV).

Wishing all of you a blessed Sunday.  Hope everyone had a lovely Father's Day!    


  1. Beautiful, Debbie. Sending you a hug. :)

  2. Thank you Debi, many blessings for you and your dad!

  3. My father died many years ago but I always spend the day with him on my mind remembering happier times.

  4. Gorgeous spot, this! I hope your day was wonderful; it sounds as though it was. I lost my dad when he was 47 (lung cancer). I spent the day not feeling well and working on a couple of small pieces of art. One finished, one not so much.

  5. Fortunately, we all have two fathers. Our father, who art in Heaven....
    When young , I remember being confused about it in Sunday School and my dad told me to be happy as he was my father, yes, but God was my "forever father"
    Beautiful photo - thank you Debbie.

  6. I hope you had a great day together Debbie! Looks like you had beautiful weather for it!
    Father's day is in September here.

  7. I hope you had a wonderful day, Debbie! This is a beautiful and peaceful scene!!!

  8. A day well spent, I would say :)

  9. Hi Debbie, I love how you used the Bible to speak what this day really means....honoring our Father and Mother on these beautiful holidays. My father passed suddenly almost 23 yrs. ago at a young age of 59. Do I ever miss him......And your post on beauty was so nice. I love your doggies (there is something about a German Shepard that says dignity, service and honor). I see beauty in every day the good Lord gives me! I'm not sure if you knew why I haven't visited as much...just got back from a beautiful and much needed vacation! blessings~~~Roxie

  10. A beautiful day and a beautiful verse! Enjoy!

  11. Beautiful Deb --- words and images ... Stay cool in this heat .. HUGS!

  12. Hope you had a wonderful day dear Deb. To me Father's Day is always sad , and not only because my father passed many years ago .

  13. Hi Debbie, sorry I'm a little late! Last Sunday was a quiet day, similar to yours I guess. Hope you're having a nice day! :)

  14. Beautiful photo. I am sure your Father was honored.


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