Wednesday, June 11, 2014


   Where does one find beauty?

Perhaps a simple countryside view...

an old church steeple that touches the sky...

a single flower...

   two loving companions

or an end to a perfect day.

This is where I found mine.   Hope you will share where you find yours.    Have a blessed night!


  1. Debbie, your photos are beautiful! I love nature and your photos have made my day. Thank you!

  2. I so enjoy coming over to visit your beautiful part of the world, Debbie.. Beautiful photos, love the Church steeple, and your beautiful companions.

  3. You have found beauty indeed - such peaceful, tranquil scenes particularly of your two gorgeous dogs lying in the shade. How can one ignore the beauty that surrounds us - isn't life grand. Enjoy the weekend.

  4. I find beauty in the same types of places as you do. I also find it in my daughters and in my grandchildren, in my husband, and in the kindness that some people provide for others...Thanks, Debbie.

  5. I am always happy to see the beauty you see and share with us. I love your dogs, they look at peace.We had a beautiful sunset last night too. It is a great excuse to stop and pause, think about ones day. Take care Debi!

  6. There is so much to be thankful for! God gives us so many things just for the beauty of them...

  7. Good morning Debbie!... Loved this post! Very uplifting words with pix!

    Beauty belongs to the eye and heart entwined. The eyes are but devis to transport the beauty to the heart where it can be felt and respond to.

    "Trust your heart.
    It knows where it is going! "

    Good Painting!... and Happy summer!
    Warmest regards,

  8. Debbie, It is true beauty surrounds us. We need only be open to accept. Right now beauty is in the face of my precious new grandson. I can't get enough! Have a great day!

  9. Your pictures are quite soothing Debbie.
    Early this morning I was crossing the bridge between Beloeil and St-Hilaire, the rain had fall nonstop allnight and our little mountain just came out of the fog to offer the most splendid view. Like a tropical island..., except for the palm trees and the pina collada ! :)
    One has to use its imagination sometimes .

  10. Lovely thoughts and photos Debbie, I find mine in nature and watching the birds and also the ocean, which i haven't' been to in awhile but i have good memories.
    Hope your having a lovely day :)

  11. Thanks for sharing the beauty you find in the day!!! I hope your day is wonderful.

  12. You sure know where to find beauty, and I agree with you, you can find it anywhere, you just have to look around you. xx

  13. Beautiful pictures and what a lovely week we've been having! I'm really enjoying my drawing classes.

  14. We are born extra lucky as artists. Seeing and feeling beauty is part of our DNA.
    Love all the photos but have to ask If Shelby is the one with the red collar? All grown up and looking pretty well in charge.

  15. Its wonderful to see both pets fully grown. They are magnificent German Shepherds.

  16. And I just found some beauty here, in part of your world...I just posted a post about the picture book Miss Rumphius whose theme is the world's beauty & making the world a more beautiful place...Sigh...I find beauty when my soul is clear & open...

  17. Such a pretty area you live in Debbie! Love the church steeple and the lush view of the country side. So nice to see your dogs enjoying each other's company.
    There is beauty at every turn when looking with an eye to paint I find.

  18. You know Debbie, Jasper has so much energy it is hard for even me to believe he is 11 years old... They bring such joy... Thank you for coming over to wish him a happy birthday...
    Enjoy the upcoming weekend.

  19. Thank you Debbie, lovely photos, I can't believe your puppy is so big. There is beauty where we look, if we look. love to you and God's blessings to you,Diana

  20. What a lovely share Debbie .
    All of these are touch stones for me too.
    What gorgeous lovely companions your Shepherds are ~ so beautiful.

  21. Your photos are lovely! I especially like the church and the doggie ones. Beauty surrounds us every day!


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