Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"I do"

Thirty-seven years ago we said "I do".

Much like tonight it was warm and humid with storms rumbling in the distance.

 A little country church where family and friends gathered heard the promises made.

Vows of  "for better or sickness or in health." were said.   Did two young people 19 and 20 know what might come to challenge those words?   I am sure not.   The fact remains though - through sunshine and rain love has stood the test.  
If tomorrow I was given the opportunity to go back and rewrite the past...this is one chapter that would remain the same.   Forever and always!

 Hope everyone has a wonderful end to their week.   God Bless!


  1. Such Beautiful words, Debbie!! Happy Anniversary to you and your Husband!!!

  2. Happiest 37th Anniversary!
    Prayers for love, cake and good health

  3. How lovely, Debbie. Happy Anniversary to you both!

  4. So wonderful, Debbie. Blessings and Happy Anniversary to you and your husband...wishing you both many more years of happiness and good health.

  5. What a wonderful thing to say! Happy Anniversay to a special couple xx

  6. You are definitely dressed for 1977. That is the year I graduated high school and I still have fond memories of the clothes (exception: leisure suits and those silk-like shirts worn by John Travolta [Saturday Night Fever] and all the guys in high school that wanted to be "in style").

    The happiest of anniversaries to both of you, Debbie! I wish you 37 more years, at least! I know you two have lots of fun together on the motorcycle too!

  7. Congratulations on finding your soul mate. One of the true blessings in life.

    My hubby and I also celebrated 37 years - just last month. It seems a lifetime, but at the same time it has flown by.

  8. Congratulations on your Anniversary :-)

  9. How special Debbie! Congratulations on your anniversary! Beautiful flowers and beautiful sentiments, I hope you have a lovely celebration together!

  10. That is very beautiful, & I offer my congratulations!

  11. Happy Anniversary Debbie. I'm glad blogger was finally working for me today so I didn't miss this chance to wish you and your husband many more wonderful years together.

  12. Wonderful words filled with love , Happy Anniversary dear Debbie !

  13. What a wonderful accomplishment, Debbie! Congrats to you and hubby. May you see many more.

  14. How wonderful, congratulations on 37 years together! :)

  15. Happy happy Anniversary! May you have many many more years together. Bonnie

  16. This is really something to celebrate, Debbie. Happy Anniversary.

  17. Congratulations to you and your husband,Debbie, I wish you a Happy Anniversary!

  18. Happy Anniversary. Very beautiful story and so touching. God bless to both of you.

  19. CONGRATULATIONS, DEb -- Beautiful post --- May you and your husband enjoy many many more joyous years together!

  20. How nice Debbie! This is a wonderful achievement. Happy celebration to both of you and many more!
    I'm afraid today's vows don't have the same meaning.

  21. Congratulations to you both--so lovely to hear of long-term happy marriages. Enjoy your weekend.

  22. Debbie, to both of you a warm congratulations.
    And so many more.. What a beautiful post..

  23. Happy Anniversary to both of you!! Your love has stood the test of time. Wishing you many many more years of happiness together.

  24. Aw, congratulations and what a wonderful post to commemorate the anniversary!

  25. Congratulations! Sounds like you were made for each other!

  26. ~(*o*)~ ♡○♡○♡○♡ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ !!!!!


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