Sunday, May 4, 2014

Peaceful Place

Sometimes when life becomes challenging it  is nice to seek a peaceful place.

Generally the outdoors is where I find mine.   Bird song, sunlight , blue sky, gentle breezes all testify that no matter what God is good.  He never leaves us or forsakes us!  God always remains the same.
God is Love!

Hope if you need some rest from life's ups and downs you will find a peaceful place too.

Have a wonderful week!


  1. God's Peaceful places are all around us....especially in our hearts. Shalom~~~Roxie

  2. Beautiful post, Debbie. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Mother nature has a wonderful way of putting things back into perspective at times. A beautiful place to contemplate and gather your thoughts. Have serene and reestful day. xx

  4. Now this is a peaceful place! Love the blog change; so pretty, so green, my favorite! That song with the line "new every morning..." comes to mind! Sounds like you had a wonderful and peace filled weekend, Debbie. Maybe one day one of us can visit the other and share your peace!

  5. Your world is still full with harmony Debbie! Thanks for the new look and wise words. These days nature does not allow us to go outside much. Too rainy, too damp!...But soon, I'm sure we'll be complaining about the heat. Can we buy some sun? :) Have a good week Debbie . xx

  6. Love your new background! I want to pull the blog curtain aside and take a walk in the field. Thank you for cheering up my day. Have a great week

  7. A lovely photo Debbie, the field looks so lush and impossibly green. Nice to see the new shoots coming through on the trees. Hope you're enjoying your week!

  8. Hello dear friend-I'm praying your week is beautiful too. I always love my visits here...

  9. Such a beautiful post Debbie.. Nothing more beautiful that nature.
    Wishing you a wonderful week.

  10. I had to work late nearly all weekend so I am in need of a peaceful place right now. Planting flowers in our back yard this evening helped out quite a bit though :)

  11. Good afternoon Debbie! Like you, I need to be connected to nature in order to feel REAL. Too much stress and work take away from MY nature, and if any one wants to be an artist, they must connect with something else. I wish you a great journey as you start off your spring! And thank you so much for coming to visit. I am much better, thank you so much! Anita

  12. Wonderful! I love the great outdoors too. God's handiwork is everywhere.

  13. What a lovely photo, really looks peaceful and with a gorgeous golden light. Sure to let harmony invade you . Have a nice week.

  14. Beautiful ~ so inspiring .
    Wishing many Spring blessings to you Debbie.

  15. Such a beautiful photo, Debbie. Out of doors is where I always find my peace, and healing, too. Especially in the wild places...



  16. Feel peace in your special place. I am off to walk in one of mine soon.

  17. Outdoors is my solace as well, Deb .. there's something that is so restive about being in that marvelous green space ... sending hugs for a bit of rest for you ......

  18. I will enjoy your beautiful picture for now Debbie, how inspiring! Many hugs and blessings to you!

  19. Hi Debbie, such a beautiful photo. Nature is where i find peace too, I was lucky enough to visit a beautiful rose garden just this morning and that always makes me feel better :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Always love your posts Debbie, thanks for sharing and thanks for the visits to my blog. I never take them for granted.
    hugs, BJ

  22. My favorite peaceful place is outside on our patio. Pond's soothing sound, birds and all of nature.
    I start my drawing classes in 2 weeks! I can't wait. Hope they don't cancel this time.


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