Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Morning Light

Hubby captured this lovely morning light today.
Even though a storm was rolling in from the west...

east the sun was colored the earth with a yellow glow.

 Lightening and thunder rolled in a few minutes later making these brief moments precious.

Thank you for letting us share our morning's light.   May you have a wonderful day.   God Bless!


  1. He did a great job, Debbie, these photos are lovely!!!

  2. Your husband's photos are beautiful! He really captured the calm before the storm! I wish I was an early riser as it is the most beautiful part of the day!

  3. These are truly beautiful, Debbie. It appears your hubby shares the same love of God's Grace as you do. Please tell him thank you for making my day brighter.

  4. Beautiful mornings here Deb!!! Happy Week!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous light and your property is amazing, Debbie. Just the kind of land I'd love to live on myself. I do so love thunder and lightening (as long as no one gets hurt). We're hitting mid and upper 80's all of a sudden and I confess to missing winter already.

  6. Thank you for sharing your husbands morning light photos. I wish you could also send me a bottle of the clean air you breath! You are so fortunate to live in such a heavenly place! I hope the thunderstorm wasn't too bad.

  7. Good mornin' beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. We have sun and clear blue skies right now.

  8. Oh Deb, morning light is so beautiful. Just wish I could see more of it.

  9. There is something about morning light and your husband really captured it. I don't get to see the real thing often enough, I have such a hard time getting up early, so these photos are appreciated, you live in a lovely place :)

  10. Debbie,
    These photos are just breathtaking! Thank you so much for sharing the wonder.

  11. Beautiful pics Debbie! We are having such nice weather, today strong storms are moving in. You live in such a peaceful, lovely place!

  12. Beautiful photos of the morning light as it crept over the land. Thank you so much for sharing your morning with us.

  13. A wonderful sight , beautiful shots...just in time ! I wish I could get myself to get up so early :-)

  14. Hi Debbie,
    I am so happy you enjoyed the roses... Thank you so much for visiting.

  15. I never get tired of watching beautiful landscapes, sunrises and sunsets. Each picture has its own emotion and draws up feelings inside of me. Beautiful, have a good weekend Debbie! Hugs

  16. Very beautiful morning light. Thank you for sharing the pictures. They are lovely to see. Blessings

  17. Thank you for sharing your wonderful light, Debbie!

  18. Spectacular glowing photographs. Isn't nature wonderful

  19. Thank you as always for such gorgeous images!


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