Sunday, May 18, 2014

Old Friends

The other day I found some old friends in the shed.

They had been waiting patiently for me.

Quite some time had passed since we were last together.
 After catching up a bit - it was time to get busy.

First we planted some lettuce, radishes, and beets here.

Then we moved on to place these violas in their new home.  I think Bunny was happy for some company.   He had been rather lonely.

Mrs. Hummingbird stopped by to over see the process.   She chatted a bit and then moved on.

Later another sweet visitor stopped to say hello.  This one thought we were doing a fine job.


Scooter was not quite as happy.   He thought a bit more work needed done.  His path seemed a bit too weedy.

Unfortunately the rain moved in and we didn't get finished.  I am sure though that tomorrow my old friends will be more than happy to join me.

So glad that you took time to stop by..
Hope you find some old friends waiting for you too.   Have a great evening.


  1. Looks like you had a great day with old friends Debbie :)

  2. What a fine day you had Debbie... I love the hummingbird!

  3. Doesn't it feel great to be outside again, digging, hoeing dreaming, planting and burning calories?! I am always amazed at how many pounds I've lost after a long day in the garden, a nice side effect of gardening.

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful day! These photos are fantastic, Debbie..excellent camera!

  5. Isn't it nice to find some old treasures! Love your photos.

  6. Such a beautiful place you live. I adore your garden. There is nothing like gardening to sooth the soul.

  7. I am so glad you had friends that waited for you until the weather warmed up...and then they all showed up. Thanks for inviting us too.

  8. Great story and photos. I have never seen a Hummingbird but would love to so thanks for the picture

  9. It is good to be outside getting those little jobs done - love your shed, it looks nice enough to live in. And love your little friends too it always nice to have company of the furry or feathered kind.

  10. What a lovely post and thank you for introducing us to your old friends :)

  11. I'm happy for you Deb! It must be fun to get to dig in the dirt again!

  12. I am so seeing that shed as a wonderful art studio! I now have thoughts of heating and air conditioning issues for it, how far it is to walk to in winter and summer...but my path would be lined with flowers at your house! Lovely post, Debbie, and the violets look beautiful! Are they in a tree trunk?

  13. What a sweet post Debbie! You must be doing a fine job in your garden, your pics are beautiful. Aren't we lucky to live in peaceful places where nature's our best friend! Hugs

  14. Every time I see a shed, I think that'll make a nice studio. lol
    Great post. Have a happy gardening week!

  15. Oh Debbie, How I love todays post ... Each one could be a painting. thanks for taking us along with you. !

  16. All your summer friends... patiently waiting for the weather to warm up, and for you to come join them outside :) Beautiful photos and you've conjured the atmosphere of the scene so perfectly for us to enjoy it too!

  17. Wonderful pics. You are a busy lady. My old friend are three garden Gnomes; one cast iron great, great granddaddy Gnome that was my Grandmother's and three younger ceramic Gnomes that my sister gave me from Massachusetts whom I call the cousins from MA. They will be up to mischief on my blog all spring, summer and fall but they draw the line at winter and hibernate in the shed. I love old friends. Have a great week!

  18. I'll bet you were glad to see those old friends and be able to put them to work. The photos were lovely. Hope you have more sunny days soon.

  19. It's nice to plant seeds and see them grow. I enjoy having flowers in the garden at this time of year.

  20. Evening Debbie, I'm glad to have met your old friends....everyone seems so content....they reminded me of the way the Lord tells us to be. Your garden and shed is sweet~~~I know you will have bountiful blessings~~~please share later! Blessings~~~Roxie

  21. What a sweet post Deborah , so wonderful to get to work in the garden and appreciate all the 'wildlife' around you . Have a nice day my friend.

  22. So lovely, Deb! Looks like a wonderful garden and those extra 'surprises' can really make a day!!


  23. Such a sweet garden story and i love all the characters, and the color of those pansies, how pretty, it looks like you had a wonderful day.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I too was so happy to see our wrens return, and our hummingbirds, and a blue jay! The wrens helped clean up after grooming Raja out on the patio, they would take some of her hair and carry it back to their bird house. !

  26. This is my first visit to your blog - I love it! How wonderful to have a visit from a hummingbird.

  27. Hola Debbie. Tienes un blog muy interesante. Me encantan las fotos y las historias que las acompañan. La acuarelas y tus cuadernos de trabajo son fantásticos. Son muy inspiradores! Poco a poco seguiré viendo tu obra. Gracias por compartir.
    Gracias también, por visitar mi blog y comentar.

  28. Haha! So glad you have been reacquainted with your old friends! Glad to see some green and blooms around! Goodness, already a butterfly! Delightful!!

  29. It is always so relaxing to read your posts Debbie. I wish you lived down the road so I could visit your little piece of heaven on earth. Marion x

  30. What a delightful post. Tell sweet Scooter to help you with those weeds. Ha!

  31. Oh Debbie, you captured an amazing shot of the hummingbird! Sorry it's taken me so long to visit your blog to see it! This post is simply divine - you are an amazing photographer as well as artist, gardener, cook - the list goes on! You are so talented!


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