Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fading Fast

The spring flowers are fading fast.  I picked the last daffodils this evening.   The Virginia Bluebells that only a week ago were in full bloom are shedding their petals everywhere.  

If I hurry I can still gather some lilacs and sweet violets for the art table.    

There are always so many plants during this season that inspire me.  So many wonderful blossoms to capture and so little time.

Tulips come in such a lovely array of colors that it is a challenge to choose which ones to grow.   This particular tulip was bent over by the wind and rain that just passed through a little while ago.   Decided it needed rescued.  May just have to paint this one.

Looks like I might have some help!

May you all enjoy whatever is blooming in your world before it fades.  

Thanks for stopping by.  God Bless!


  1. Oh, how sad to see the flowers go. Ours haven't even bloomed yet. The greenery is about 3 inches tall. We need a few more sunny days and some night drizzles to bring them forth. Another week is almost over. Wow! Where has it gone?

  2. Love your beautiful flowers. Indeed we have so many beautiful things around us and yet we have little time to spare for them. I love the colors of your tulip, and the daffodil, I can see no more of it in my neighbourhood. Thanks for sharing those beautiful things around you there. Blessings.

  3. Love the way you have captured your spring flowers, some in your sketchbook and others on loose paper, how do keep those, will you frame them ?

  4. Lovely post to remind us that the world is ever changing, and we need to slow down and appreciate what is around us before it is gone. So nice to see your floral work, art table and your helpers!

  5. Look at these gorgeous paintings!!! Your line about fading (at the end)...made me think of my girls growing up and not being the little ones I still remember...I love them so much, even as adults...but those misty watercolored memories...

  6. Lovely paintings of these flowers. Captured for ever with your paints.

  7. The short lives of the spring flowers makes them all the more lovely. That tulip would make a lovely subject for a painting. And I'm happy to see you have so much "help." I often have help just like that on my desk when I'm working or painting!

  8. I love seeing your art table and your projects, It's hard to keep up with the flowers before they fade, but it looks like you are doing a good job :)

  9. What lovely flowers! And I think your post is very poetical... We don't have daffodils down here in Florida, so it is so pretty to see yours. On another subject --- I got one of your emails, not sure if you received mine? Was just wondering if you wanted the Pinkie cat print or the Pinkie Cat wood block with saying ("Good morning Let the stress begin") I did get your address and will send your prizes out to you as soon as I know which Pinkie Cat you want --- thanks!

  10. These Spring time flowers are lovely, Debbie! I, as well wish they can last just a little bit more.!!! A beautiful post...!!

  11. Isn't it wonderful to know that you'll have another chance next Spring? It's amazing how fast the flowers come and go. If that was the only thing going on, we could concentrate just on their loveliness, but that's never the case.

    I love those that I see on your table and I'm not sure how you could resist that lovely tulip—it's gorgeous! I hope you and your helpers are success in getting as many painted as you can.

  12. Love the flowers, Debbie, and your helpers are adorable.

  13. We all have to hurry and take pictures of our flowers . They don't last long, that's why your sketches are so precious. Bye Debbie.

  14. so helpful to take those shots whilst the flowers last, paint from real the first time and then use the photos next time.I like your little arrangement in the jug

  15. Hi Debbie, it is a bit sad when the spring flowers fade, but I'm always looking forward to see the summer flowers which can be a completely different and wonderful inspiration.

  16. A lovely post Debbie. Yes, how fleeting is the flower's bloom! It seems like only yesterday you were posting your first daffodils. It looks like you are savouring them to their full. Love seeing your paintings and sketches laid out so prettily! Enjoy the last of your blooms!

  17. You are going to have them around for a long time, it looks like you have made many beautiful studies from your flowers! Your arrangement must smell wonderful too!

  18. Our early spring flowers are long gone but there is so much more to look forward too - I shall enjoy seeing your summer flower paintings.

  19. I see that they will at least remain in your paintings! We all need to stop and smell the Daffodils! Happy Spring!

  20. Always love seeing your fur babies .
    We had mist on and off today now gusty winds and rain this evening , it is balmy wind blowing up the curtains ~ rather energizing actually !

  21. That tulip is gorgeous, I hope you paint it and show us the painting. I love your paintings of the tulips and daffodils. Spring goes by sooooo fast! I wish it would last longer...



  22. Painting your flowers is saving them!

  23. Oh Debbie I so wish I could see your paintings in real life. They look so stunning. Like you the flowers are always calling me to paint them. I have just photographed the ones in my garden for future references. Though there are always so many lovely things in life to paint. Sadly there are never enough hours to paint them all. Happy painting.

  24. I feel you paint for the pure joy of trying to capture the beauty of the flowers. It comes across in all you do.


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