Sunday, April 27, 2014

Flowering Quince

This flowering quince was an Easter gift from my folks.  It has a gorgeous coral color.  Later there will be fruit that can be used for jelly.   Hmm not only a beautiful plant but one that bears something sweet as well.

Are not those blossoms just begging to be painted?  What do you think?

Speaking of painting I just could not resist gathering a few of these pansies.

 They make such pretty subjects.   Ones I never tire of capturing in a sketch.

It was so nice of you to take a moment to visit.   Hope you have a lovely week.


  1. Many years ago one of my school parents dropped off a quince from one she divided. It is a spring favorite. Enjoy! I always love seeing your sketches. Have a grand week. Bonnie


  2. Hi Debbie,
    Of all the plants and flowers I am familiar with, quince is new to me.. How pretty it is, and what a thoughtful gift.
    What a beautiful watercolor of the pansies! I just love your artwork.
    Enjoy your week,

  3. I love Quince and pansies. Your photo is lovely but not as beautiful as your artwork. It has a wonderful sensitivity which beats a photo anytime.

  4. Very pretty! I especially love the vibrant red of the Quince. Your sketches show careful observation and I love your colors!

  5. Very beautiful! Our quince (both a red and peach) are about done flowering and we are heading toward summer heat. It's such a pleasure to have a prolonged spring through your beautiful images and words!

  6. The quince plant is beautiful! I have never seen one before and what a bang for your buck (flowers and fruit)! Love your pansy paintings; how gorgeous they would be framed!

  7. Thank you Debbie for your most welcome visit and kind words.. I am so happy you enjoyed viewing Bernard.

  8. Pretty flowers and, as always, you capture them well with your paintbrush.

  9. Lovely pansies in the painting and IRL! Love the quince plant...what a marvelous color. I don't think I've seen a quince plant before or tasted quince. Enjoy the rest of the day. Rain is headed this way for the next few days. I guess we need it.

  10. I've said it before, but it bears repeating: you have a wonderful knack for flower painting. Yours always look so delicate and soft, just like the real thing

  11. My grandmother always made marmalade from the Quince , not very common anymore I think, but delicious! Your watercolor is so pretty, you really know how to paint flowers, always so delicate and soft . I think I just repeated what Jeri said !

  12. Such a colorful plant! I 've never seen it around here. Looks beautiful

  13. Sorry I didn't have time to finish! Where was I? Oh yes, I can smell your pansies from here. Your drawing is excellent. Have a fruitful week Debbie! xx

  14. Beautiful painting dear-you are so very talented! Hope you got my long email a week ago...

  15. thanks for sharing your quince - and your watercolors are really lovely!

  16. Beautiful flowers--I love pansies, and we can grow them in Florida! At least in the cooler months. Lovely sketches, too.

  17. ...gorgeous work on the pansies, there are some stunners about at the mo, was looking at some pale blue ones at a friends house yesterday, they had really dark blue centers with white splashes, I meant to take a photo, but got distracted by their cheeky Jack Russel, insisting on play, then it rained, and I forgot all about them, doh!... love the quince too, very different to our big tree quinces, I make quince and cardamom jelly, very yummy, don't know if cardamoms would work with this sort of quince, but could always give it a try. Happy days... :-D

  18. Love the beautiful flowers - but have to say that cheerful, funny frog made me laugh :) And what wonderful watercolor "sketches", too!

  19. That flowering quince is so pretty! I love your sketch of pansies; they're one of my favorite subjects, too. Those ruffled petals with all the folds, twists and turns...



  20. I love your display of spring flowers on your blog! Love your pansy sketches!

  21. Absolutely gorgeous, visions of springtime!

  22. The quince is gorgeous, such color! Your spring flowers are gorgeous, still waiting for most of ours, so much rain and cold here still!

  23. Those paintings in your sketchbook look fantastic! You have a green thumb in two ways, both in growing the beautiful blooms and in portraying them on paper!

  24. Your paintings are just beautiful! Your flowers make me so happy. Thank you.

  25. Beautiful painting. Quince with a bed of violets under and nearby look lovely.

  26. I love your paints and sketches, and this one is no exception. So sorry I have missed your posts and I honestly don't know why! :( I will see if I can fix this.

  27. The flowers are stunning - I didn't know the quince had such vibrant flowers. Your painting is gorgeous - you've really done justice to your pansies!

  28. Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
    Your sketches of pansies look beautiful. Pansies are not easy to paint. You capture very well their colors.
    Have a nice day.
    Here, in the region of Paris, it has rained and rained and it is not warm.
    Merci encore


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