Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spring has finally Sprung!

After a long winter spring has finally sprung!

Warmer days have brought life to the beds and borders here at Harmony Hills.

The daffodils refuse to be daunted by spring's flirtatious ways.  They are familiar with the ups and downs of the season.   Cheerfully they dance in the breeze.
 The Virginia Bluebells are starting to be brave and show some color.   They are such sweet companions in the garden.

This is such a lovely time of the year.

It  inspires me to leave the indoor tasks behind and follow my heart down the garden path.   I hope you will join me.


May you have a wonderful evening!


  1. Such lovely photos of signs of Spring. Very nice painting too, Debbie.

  2. What beautiful pathways! Lovely photos.
    Have a great evening

  3. My daffodils have been and gone, so it was such a pleasure to join you on your path lined with dancing yellow heads and take in the beauty. Loved your calm painting. Thank you for all your kind wishes for my health. Things are improving, but very slowly, I have good days and bad ones. Today I woke early with the not so good feelings. So I was happy to join you an your stroll. Barbara x

  4. Such beautiful flowers and paths! Thank you for sharing them with us. Our daffodils are just about done, except for a few in the colder spots.



  5. Such beautiful flowers--all the more so for following after such a cold winter. As I looked at their photos, I was wondering if you were going to paint them!

  6. Hi Debbie, things are looking good! We have some two inch green shoots in the garden now. and buds on the trees. Chilly and windy today but lots of bright sunlight. Love it! Enjoy your day.

  7. its fun to see signs of spring with everyone at different times through the blogging world. You have so many daffodils, that path is beautiful. So glad spring is here and you can enjoy it out in your garden :)

  8. How beautiful!! You always have such a peace about you, Debbie. I so enjoy that! Your photos are beautiful and I do sure love your watercolor paintings of the spring!

  9. Wonderful.
    Reminds me of the poem..... "Daffodils dancing in the breeze"

  10. yay, spring is so much fun. I wish it would last forever.

  11. What a joyful post, Spring is always so welcome , lovely photos . I spent the day in the garden today , we have the most beautiful weather .Love your lovely watercolor !

  12. Thanks Debbie for sharing this lovely time of the year with us! The first flowers of spring are the sweetest, until the others follow....Here, the tulips are timidly starting to show an inch or two. Sweet waterpainting Debbie! xx

  13. STUNNING photos Debbie! The daffodils along the path are amazing! So uplifting to see. Great painting too - love the subtlety in the colours!

  14. Spring looks so vibrant as to take your breath away! Gorgeous, gorgeous.

  15. Hi Debbie. Thanks for dropping by just now. I would love for you to join me with the art journaling. We could muddle through it together because I really don't know very much about it or mixed media except that it looks fun and an exciting challenge to try. Hopefully I will see you there. Loving your sping post with your lovely watercolour artwork. Chat soon. xx

  16. Debbie, It is good to hear spring has arrived in your "neck of the woods". I have been out of town, and returned to all of my beautiful blooms fading and oak worms (tassels) everywhere. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. Hugs, Bonnie

  17. You have such an elegant way with words. Doesn't it look gorgeous outside now that things are finally blooming? We are so lucky to have so many blessings. Enjoy, Debbie!

  18. You have such an elegant way with words. Doesn't it look gorgeous outside now that things are finally blooming? We are so lucky to have so many blessings. Enjoy, Debbie!

  19. You have such an elegant way with words. Doesn't it look gorgeous outside now that things are finally blooming? We are so lucky to have so many blessings. Enjoy, Debbie!

  20. Love your sketch! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! So nice to visit yours! :)

  21. Lovely photos Debbie and such pretty paintings!

  22. Yes, a beautiful time of year (though it's not here in Maine yet...) I can see how inspired you are by your lovely paintings.

  23. Hi dear Debbie, Spring has definitely sprung...what lovely flowers!!!


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