Sunday, May 26, 2013


Tomorrow I will be remembering all those who served this country well.   They stood up and answered when duty called.   I live free because they did.

These soldiers fought in far away places.   They endured and suffered much.  Some fell never to return.   Others came back wounded and lost.


They knew that freedom was the only way.   Even if it cost everything.

What a blessing it is to choose where to live and work!   What a privilege to worship as one sees fit!   What a gift it is to be free!     

                                                                  Tomorrow I will be remembering!



  1. Beautiful post, Debbie...and lovely photos. Indeed, we are blessed!

  2. Thank you, Debbie. Your words are so beautiful and so true for me as well. These feelings are what used to make this country great. (I've my doubts, currently! LOL)

  3. HERE HERE!!! Bravo and God bless our Soldiers, our Freedom, our American dream. Made possible through the courage and sacrifice of our Military, from the Revolution and beyond. Great post!

  4. Beautiful words Debbie. Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

  5. Wonderful post Debbie. Your photos and words are so touching and true. Hope you had an enjoyable weekend. ~~ Diane

  6. What inspiring words. Thank you Debbie. It is a privilege to honor them all.

  7. Beautiful photos, Debbie. Lovely post.

  8. Nice photos and lovely sentiments! We should honor them every day for the sacrifices that they have made.

  9. thank you, so beautiful. yes, thank you to all the men and women out there who served our country. love to you Debbie,Diana

  10. God bless them every one and their family.

  11. Absolutely gorgeous captures!!! I am so envious of your poppies!!!! Great tribute too ... it's still cold and rainy in Germany ... had a handful of warm sunny days .....


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