Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Looking Up

I am taking a few moments to look up tonight.   My heart goes out to those in Oklahoma and Texas who have known such terrible loss from the tornadoes that have touched down.

 Won't you please join me as I look up.  Thank you. 


  1. Debbie, what an amazing photograph. My thoughts and prayers are with all those suffering tonight. Too many disasters lately. I hope you week is going well. Bonnie

  2. Debbie, I am looking up with you... The disaster in Oklahoma is devastating , My heart goes out to them.
    I'm still in Wa. State and while on the trip here I think of you often as I find myself being thankful for every thing I saw.. so I've looked up at lot...

  3. Debbie, I am feeling the same as you and I'm saying a prayer for all the hurting hearts in that area. Beautiful rainbow, reminds me there's always hope. ~ Diane

  4. Debbie, a beautiful photo. I am praying for the victims and their families and friends.

  5. After a storm there is always a rainbow, beautiful sentiment Debbie. My prayers are with all those people that have lost everything, so much devastation.

  6. That is God's promise there. Beautiful and I'm with you.

  7. That's gorgeous, Debra. I saw a rainbow yesterday too, and had the same thoughts. :) You are very talented with the camera, by the way.

  8. I hope all our prayers help them get through this.

  9. Yes, dear Debbie, I will certainly join you.

  10. yes Debbie I'm praying too. Thank you, love to you ,Diana

  11. I have seen it on the news. Looks terrible. I don´t understand how everything can just break.Something should be left standing.There must be an enormous force in the tornadoes. We have storms here in Sweden sometimes. But the winds are only breaking trees, pieces of roofs and signs and lifting subjects that are not atached too well. There are warnings from going outside, so we stay inside our houses. We don´t go to any shelters. I wonder if the houses are built very differently or if the tornadoes are so very much more powerful. Do you know how strong the wind was inside the tornadoe?

  12. Beautiful photo and post. My thoughts and prayers are with them, too.


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