Wednesday, May 29, 2013


 I find these little birds so amazing.   Watching them flutter back and forth at the feeders is very entertaining.  
There are many varieties.   Here in Ohio we have three types.  They are the Ruby Throat, Calliope, and Rufous.   The ones that visit here are the Ruby Throat.   The above photo is the female...  
the one below a male. 
    I read that they actually use their tongue to lap up the nectar and not their beak.
 Their natural predators are the bull frog, spider and praying mantis.
  When preparing for migration activity increases.  Much nourishment is needed for the long journey to Central America.    In fact it is important to keep the feeders hanging for two weeks after spotting the last one.  There may be those traveling from further north who may need to feed on their way south. 
Isn't it fascinating to think these tiny little ones will fly so far for the summer.  I am so glad they do.
Well it is time to go see a few more of their antics before climbing into bed.
Hope you have a wonderful evening.   
God Bless!


  1. Hi Debbie,

    Glorious photos! I find these birds sweet and amazing as well. Unfortunately, and believe it or not, I have yet to see one "in person." I don't have a backyard and I live in the city, but a few friends of mine who do have gardens say that at first they didn't even realize that they were birds...that they are so tiny and fast, they thought they were bees in the beginning. Now they tell me that with feeders they do see and appreciate them. Great post!

  2. Hi Debbie, you are so quick to get these great photos. Living in a city we don't get so many but when we do I love to stop and watch them. Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Celia

  3. We bought our first hummingbird feeder last year and it was wonderful. Unfortunately it blew off the hanger at the end of summer and broke (it was glass). Michael picked up an ugly plastic thing this year. I'll have to replace that. LOL

  4. For some reason, we don't have as many this year. I hope I'll see more of them-I miss their funny antics!

  5. Mine chase each other endlessly, away from the feeder.

  6. Good for you feeding those little hummers. Haven't seen any here yet, but mine have to rough it and drink from flowers, so I don't get as many. They are fun to watch though!

  7. I tried to take pictures of some while at my Mothers this weekend and no luck. Love the photos.

  8. I've often thought about getting a bird feeder. You always get such great photos. Thanks for sharing them and the information.

  9. Our Hummingbird is back. It is a Ruby throat one. I agree with the above comments that you did well photographing them...I have yet been able to.

  10. Oh, I love hummingbirds! We used to get a lot of Anna's and Rufous hummingbirds here, but I haven't seen one in a couple of years. They are really one of nature's miracles, they way the manage to fly such great distances and not get lost.



  11. I am always fascinated and amazed by birds, love observing them . How lucky these ones are to get a little restoration on their way :-) Have a nice weekend!

  12. So beautiful, such perfection. Sadly, since they cut down the trees here to make way for another stupid condo project, we've been having far fewer birds come by. When you think there used to be eagles and parrots and kingfishers... so I relish seeing your nature posts, such a reminder of the beauty of God's creations :)

  13. Hi Debbie, you are the winner of my painting giveaway! Please email me your details at Thank you so much for participating!

  14. Afternoon Debbie, I so enjoy watching the birds....actually so does my hubby. At our other house, we would sit on the porch in the mornings and see the cutest things and hear the sweet songs of the birds! The house we are at now has a lot of woods behind far woodpeckers, blue jays and an owl we hear. A few other ones too. I've been saying for years, I'm gonna get a book on birds!!!! Thanks for the sweet comment on the vintage trailer...this is a big decision, as I really need this?? I may take the FUN leap! Blessings~~~your pictures are beautiful! Roxie

  15. Wow I've missed loads Debbie sorry. Time just flies these days. I loved seeing humming birds when I visited Canada. Never thought I would ever see such a special sight. Lucky you to have them so close. I'll try to pass by again soon but enjoy your summer in the meantime. Take care. xx

  16. Hi Debbie, thank you for sharing your pictures. I love hummingbirds, but we don't have them here in The Netherlands. I can enjoy them by looking at your pictures !!
    Have a great day.
    God Bless.

  17. I eventually had to take my feeders down - I got upset because the Rufous kept the others away from the feeder. They were plain old mean! Hubby laughs at me because I want every one to get on well... including the birds!
    I do love the beauty of them and admire the long migration they make.

  18. Lovely birds and I can't wait to see them too. They like fuschias and all kind of trumpet form flowers, so I prepare a few hanging baskets just for them. Thanks for your pics Debbie. Have a great week.


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