Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Perfect Word

Several months ago I read a book by Debbie Macomber.  It was titled "One Perfect Word".   Debbie every year chooses a special word for her focus.   It can be anything.  The plan is to study the word and make it what you search for on a daily basis.

I was inspired and intrigued by this concept.   After much thought the word "Love" came to mind.   It was more like it chose me than I chose it.   My mother had given me Joyce Meyer's devotional  "Love Out Loud" for Christmas.    It is about loving God, others and yourself.   

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is 1 Corinthians 13 where Paul describes love so is patient, kind, it does not envy, nor boast or is it proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not selfish, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs.  It does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.   It always trusts, hopes and always perseveres.   Love never fails.

Wouldn't our world be a perfect place if real love was practiced daily?   Just think there would be no fear.   Children would go to school safely.  Hate would be gone as well as corruption.   We would treat the stranger on the road as a friend.  Hunger would be a thing of the past because all would share.  Greed, lies, stealing all gone.   It would be just the way God planned.  I am more than ready for this place - how about you?  Wish me well as I seek to love more in the coming year.
Thank you for letting me share my perfect word with you.   May God Bless You!




  1. That's a beautiful painting, Debbie, may you be blessed too...

  2. Lovely painting and lovely words!!! Nicely done! Enjoy!!

  3. I love the idea of having a word for the year. I think I certainly have a word for my painting year. Thank you for sharing this.

    The painting has a lovely joyful feel to it. Beautiful.

  4. Beautiful painting and inspirational post. xx

  5. What a pretty fruit bouquet!!! And I agree with every single word you said.

  6. Beautifully done work, Deb! I LOVE Macomber too but haven't read this particular work ... Yes indeed, if folks practiced what they believed more, I truly think we haven't more kindness and peace in this world ...

  7. The painting is lovely. I hope that you will be keeping a journal as you grow in God's love. Love never fails! Blessings

  8. Lovely painting, lovely prose - And what a great idea!

  9. Dear~
    God gave me the same word for 2013!
    I feel I have so much to learn. And I am excited about what He will show me.

  10. Debbie-that's a gorgeous painting.

  11. Amen, to that! Beautiful post, Debbie. May you have the strength to complete your mission and not faulter. Blessings!

  12. Beautiful post!
    I love that this year everyone is finding their special word for the year (or that the word is finding them). It feels more positive than trying to make resolutions that are so hard to stick with.

  13. Beautiful painting, beautiful post :) One word seems a bit limiting to me but not when the word is Love - which can encompass so much.

  14. That's one of my favourite passages - and I agree with you, if we all loved perfectly the world would be a much better place.

  15. Even Jesus said the greatest of these is LOVE. Perfect choice.

  16. Beautiful post, and what a gorgeous, lush painting! I love Joyce Meyer devotionals -- they really help one get off on the right foot each day :)

  17. Debbie, beautiful painting and sentiment! One of my favorite verses too.

  18. Thanks so much for the info, Deb!!!! HUGS!

  19. Wonderful post
    Good word

    My word this year may sound bland but its powerful...forward.
    As in moving forward to sell my art, have my own website, and post paintings that are finished.

  20. Ich liebe die Farbverläufe im Bild. Herrliche Arbeit;-)

  21. I can see a lot of love in that painting too. Wonderful words to live by.

  22. It is the perfect word and you are right, If practiced, it would be a perfect world! But alas, we will have to wait for that PERFECT place. In the meantime, I intend on putting to practice the quote from Corinthians, as best I can. And thank you for your very kind comments on my latest post, you are so kind, and your watercolor above is really beautiful!

  23. Hi Debbie. Fabulous painting. Beautiful warms and cools in the right places. Good idea about the one word exercise. Must try it. I also think if people just loved art and saw the beauty of it like some of us do, it might soften people's hearts in other ways too. Take care. xx


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