Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Winding Down

 It is hard to believe that October is winding down.  

The brilliant colors appear to have reached their peak.  They have been exceptionally glorious this year. 

The "Hunter's Moon" made an appearance a few days ago.  It was  amazingly bright. 

Every month has its own special beauty but October's is hard to beat.

Well it is time for me to wind down, but just before I do...please meet our new family addition. 

This is Gunnar and he just turned twelve weeks old.

He and Kelsey have become great friends.

Hopefully she will keep him wound down. :)!!

Have a lovely end to October.



"He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God had done from beginning to end."  Eccl.3:11 (NIV) 


  1. Wonderful October photos! And I love the new family member! Look at those ears!

  2. Ohhhh hello Gunnar! What wonderful adventures you will have.
    (I have the dopiest grin on my face now) Best wishes.

  3. October is beautiful there. Gunner will be a great addition to the family. I wish we could have a dog - allergies. Sun up and moon are beautiful too.

  4. A new addition to the family and so cute! I hope he brings you years of joy. And this October has been so gorgeous after I told Sweetie, “We won’t even have a pretty autumn this year because it’s been so dry.” I was wrong - again! And glad of it. Some of our trees are really putting on a show, if a little later than usual. October - there is nothing to beat it and I wish it would last 2 months (at least)! Have a wonderful end to autumn and look forward to those first frosty days of November.

  5. Hello Gunnar. He is such a wonderful addition to your family, Debbie. October is really showing its lovely colors around there. And you have such a wide open space for your dogs to roam. I want to thank you for this verse today. It is much needed right now, and a very special one. I was so glad to hear that the verse 'For I know the plans' is one of your favorites too.

    Enjoy these last moments of October, my friend.


  6. Such a cute little puppy! No so little. 🙂

  7. Dear Debbie, Gunnar, all your family, Oh, so cute! Enjoy your life on the earth. What a beautiful view and a weather! A night, too, lovely. We're enjoying swimming, btw. Kind regards, Sadami

  8. Welcoming Gunnar to your family! ❤️ We are having a lackluster autumn here except for a few very colorful leaved trees here and there. But I love the feel of Autumn nevertheless and am enjoying the crunch of leaves (that fell before turning because they'd died from the drought) as I walk through the yard and our little wooded area. The birds are emptying the feeder these days. They must be bulking up for the winter. My cat isn't shedding as much. And I'm feeling the need to bring a lot more cozy into my home.

  9. Bonsoir ma chère Debbie,
    Je suis d'accord avec toi, le mois d'octobre nous offre des couchers de soleil fantastiques. Le temps file si vite et déjà le mois de novembre s'annonce. Je te remercie pour le partage de tes belles photos.
    Comme il est mignon ton nouveau compagnon, Gunnar ! Kelsey doit être heureux.
    Je te souhaite une belle fin de journée, bisous bisous, Martine

  10. You have defined it perfectly, each month has something special, a charm to enjoy the nature of life in short.
    Nice German Shepherd Dog I love dogs.
    A hug

  11. What a cutie! Hope you continue to enjoy the gifts of each month.

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  13. Welcome to Gunnar! I am glad to see that Kelsey has a new friend. That was a nice way to wind down the month of October. It is good to be able to see what you have been up to while I was away.


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