Monday, October 14, 2024

Catching up

  • Chautauqua Lake

 Hello friends I am finally doing a little catching up.    Would have posted earlier but had a little internet problem.  Had it fixed today.

Because of Helene and Milton have found it difficult to write about our beautiful vacation to New England in mid September.  Will just share a couple of  lovely spots we visited.   

Pen Yan N.Y

 It has been twenty years since hubby and I have taken a vacation.  Why so long??  For a variety of reasons we just stopped traveling.  The biggest one was leaving our dogs at a kennel. It is extremely hard for us to trust our beloved pets to someone else's care. ( By the way Kelsey did just fine while we were gone). 

Franconia Notch

  Many years ago when I was just 13 my folks took a vacation north and we stopped at this beautiful place.  At the time we didn't take the ride on the tram. It was always something that I wanted to do.  Besides hubby had never been there and it was my hope that  he would enjoy seeing the gorgeous White Mountains. 

(He did!)


When we arrived at the top, we actually were above the clouds.  Absolutely stunning and amazing.  Unfortunately the photo does not do justice to this scene. 

From this picture perhaps you can glimpse the layers of mountains stretching out and beyond.  So beautiful.

Well, I will not bore you with more photos, but if you ever want to take a trip to N.H.  be sure to include a stop at Franconia Notch.  You will not be disappointed.



..."Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob"  Micah 4:2b (NIV) 




  1. What beautiful vistas, I hope to visit New England one day !
    Thank you for sharing .

  2. Glad y'all had a nice time in New England
    New Hampshire is breath taking scenery

  3. I know what you mean about leaving the animals--I always feel bad about that when we go somewhere. And they always seem to be OK, if a little clingy, when we come home.
    Loved visiting NH a few years ago. What a beautiful state.
    We have power again, and clean up after Milton continues. It's a mess and we're all suffering PTSD, but we'll get through it.

  4. Beautiful. my husband and I never took a vacation together in the 40 plus years we have been together. mostly we had farm animals and our dogs over the years. I like just staying home too-but it is nice to get away hugs Kathy

  5. Dear Debbie, Your blog is popular and beautiful. Btw, the mountains and the plants have amazed / amused my eyes. We hardly see them like in your photos in Australia. Kind regards, ((Hugs)), Sadami

  6. It looks like a very nice and peaceful trip, Debbie. I know what you mean about leaving your beloved dogs behind - Nel had to worry about that when she had dogs. I'm glad you got to go on a little vacation after 20 years. You sure deserve it. That second photo is so pretty. And I love the last verse on the mountain. : ) Thanks for sharing a little bit of your journey with us, Debbie.


  7. What a wonderful trip, your photos are beautiful! I am glad Kelsey did ok in the kennel. Hugs!

  8. What a gorgeous glimpse of your visit to NH. I cannot imagine not taking a vacation for 20 years, but I totally understand not wanting to leave your beloved furry family in someone else's care. (And I imagine you as the kind of kindred heart who 'knows' how to carve out tiny mini vacations along life's way, if they're not considered a formal vacation.) So glad you had a lovely time away and that Kelsey did fine. Happy weekend, Debbie!

  9. Ciao from Venice! Your photos from your vacation are great! I’m glad you got away to a nice area. I have been away since the beginning of the month, but for some reason I can’t post on my blog from my iPad. Hopefully I will be able to post when I get back at the end of the month. I don’t know if this will post either. Ciao for now!

  10. I come up as Anonymous fir some reason, but it is Joan from watercolors by Joan 2,

  11. Oh my goodness-did you know you were very close to our house when you were in Penn Yan??? In fact we were in Penn Yan just this morning! I love New England so much. Went to Mount Washington and to a few other places and loved it so much.

  12. What a lovely trip. Hard to leave our furries but oh the welcome home is something else isn't it? I bet Kelsey thought all her birthdays had come at once having her mum home.


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