Sunday, November 3, 2024

Be Thankful

When November comes I am reminded that it is the season to count your blessings and

be thankful. 


Thankful for sunshine and blue skies...

Thankful for a good book or two to read...

Thankful for family & friends near and far...

Thankful for the dawn of a new day...and always thankful for each of you who stop to visit.

Please share something you are thankful for this week...would love to hear what makes your heart glad.



"And be thankful." Col. 3:15b  (NIV)


  1. There is so much to be thankful for. For sure I'm thankful for you and your beautiful blog, Debbie. Love your doggie photo, that little one looks sooo cute!

  2. Dankbaar voor je posting.

    Take care !

  3. There is always so much to be thankful for.

  4. Beautiful post hugs with all the struggles right now I am thankful to live n America

  5. I am thankful for fellow bloggers such as you who bring joy to my days!

  6. I am thankful for my husband who will be 78 Nov. 6. I enjoyed your post.

  7. What a special "thankful" post, Debbie. This month is always a gentle one for me, as I am reminded of all the blessings that I have. Your dogs seem to be getting along, and have become close to each other. It's always a pleasure to see nature around your area, the sunrises, the skies, and the foliage with each season.


    **I am thankful I have my computer up and running again. ; )

  8. I'm thankful for so much. Your puppy is adorable!

  9. I am thankful to be back home and to be able to visit blogs and posts again. I missed the connections with everyone. I will go back and see if there are other posts of yours that I missed.

  10. Nice post. I am thankful for my hubby


I love reading your comments. Thanks for leaving one.


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