Friday, October 4, 2024

Thoughts and Prayers

As we all watch and see the devastation "Helene" has brought to our nation, am sure thoughts and prayers are being sent up for those victims.  Their pain and loss is absolutely unimaginable.  

There is a possibility that some of our blogging buddies are among those who are in the midst of such suffering.  Please take a moment and "Look up" with me.

Also if you will, lift up the rescue workers and pray for their safety as they work to help those who are still missing. 

Thank You


"But I cry to you for help, O Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you."  Psalm 88:13


  1. This is all so terrifying for so many people. As you say, Debbie, the pain and loss is absolutely unimaginable. Dear Lord, have mercy, have mercy. Grace for all the rescue workers.

  2. That's how it is Debbie, we look with perplexity and amazement at so much damage, so much devastation, when mother nature shows her power she shows us how insignificant we are.
    I pray for all the people affected by the hurricane.
    Happy weekend.
    A hug

  3. What a thoughtful post, Debbie. I do have a blog friend who doesn't have electricity OR water right now. Yes, saying a prayer right now for all those suffering.


  4. My husband and I were lucky, but our neighbors on the coast were not. Definitely thinking of those who have lost so much.

  5. Prayers are being answered but not how I expected. The people are pulling together and helping each other since the Federal Government refuses to send assistance. Neighbor helping neighbor. They are drawing closer to God and He is reaching out to them to supply their needs out the abundance of the hearts of we Americans.


  6. Prayers are being sent. I just can not imagine what some of those people are going through. Terrifying.

  7. We lived through a much less severe hurricane two years ago. I feel for the affected people. I pray all the missing are found.

  8. My heart hurts for all the people affected by this storm. It is unimaginable that entire towns were just washed away. My prayers go out to all of those affected. I know we have sadness in our hearts. Have a good weekend, my friend.

  9. heartfelt prayers for friends who are suffering dear Debbie !
    blessings to you and family!


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