Monday, September 18, 2023

Not Official

 It may not be official until Sept.23rd but autumn is showing us it is here.  Already the mornings and evenings have a chill.

Acorns and leaves crunch underfoot...

summer's flowers are waning...

giving way to fall's chrysanthemums.

Time doesn't stand still and neither do the seasons.

Time to say goodnight summer.  You will be missed.  Thank you for leaving us with memories to carry us through until you return next year!

Hope everyone has a lovely week.  



"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."  Ecc:3:1 (NIV)


  1. Hate to say it but I won't be missing Summer! 108-120F temps are crazy hot. Just waiting on Fall...Temps have dropped to the 90's at least!

  2. The mums will be gone before October gets here is sad.

  3. I enjoyed your autumny photos, Diane, especially seeing those acorns. It's been very autumnal here since the first of September. No frost yet, but there is the chill in the mornings and evenings.

  4. I love summer but also love autumn! such a happy-sad feeling! gorgeous post<3

  5. I was interested in seeing your mum's. I have some the same as those but mine haven't started flowering yet .... maybe another couple of weeks when Autumn is here proper.

  6. Oh, I love the color of your Mums, they're so pretty. And you're already getting acorns! They remind me of the Acorn Woodpecker that often comes around here. What a fantastic sky photo you have shared. Very mysterious looking. Fall will officially be here soon, and we are seeing signs of it up here in the mountains as well. Enjoy this wonderful season, Debbie. Your blog posts always warm my heart.


  7. I love it so much when the days get shorter and there is a nip in the air. I do miss the flowers, although over here they return by early March.

  8. God bless Debbie, heres to us all enjoying the beauty of the changing seasons, thanks for sharing xxx

  9. I love the changing of the seasons! It's the changing of the seasons of my life that I find daunting....

  10. There is beauty in every season. And the heat of summer I will not miss. Have a great week, Debbie! Hugs.

  11. I love how you find such positively lovely things for us to enjoy. I love summer, but enjoy fall a lot. The past few days I've had to wear a jacket for my morning walks. Enjoy your surroundings and the beautiful things that autumn brings. Have a great week!!

  12. It's always beautiful catching up with your blog, Debbie! I love all of the seasons!! A big hug to you!!!

    1. Ah Celia so glad to hear from you. Hope all is well with you. Hugs!

  13. I admit I won't be sad to see summer leave. Today, the official first day of fall, it's actually pleasant. Heading outside to enjoy it before it heats up again. Have a wonderful weekend!


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