Monday, May 29, 2023

A Bit Late

So sorry dear friends for posting a bit late.  With it being the holiday weekend just got busy with a cookout gathering and such.  Hope all of you who are celebrating Memorial Day have a lovely one.

Thought I would share a few happenings today.

Discovered two little baby robins this past week.

There this is a better shot.  Don't want to get Mama upset by getting too near the nest.

She has been keeping a careful watch.

The variety of this peony escapes me but am so delighted with how it is  a lovely rosy peach, turns lighter and then white.  Planted it back a couple of summers ago and each year it seems to have more blooms.  This is where a garden journal would come in handy.  Maybe in my "next life" will keep one :)!!

Kelsey a year old

Last but not least - look who turned a year old last week.  She has been a challenge getting her to this point.

After several pair of shoes gone...eyeglasses chewed, replacement of two sets of bathroom rugs, a garden hose and trying to keep holes in the yard filled - we think she is here to stay.  Is she spoiled?  You betcha!!

Please take a moment today to "look up" and remember all those who gave their lives here in America and all over the world so that we may live freely.  God Bless and have a blessed week.



"The memory of the righteous will be a blessing..." Prov.10:7a (NIV)


  1. Oh, those sweet baby Robins. What a sight that must be! The peonies are such a pretty shade of color. Looks like a soft pink, turning into a blush color. So glad to hear Kelsey has learned a lot and is there to stay. So many lovely things around your house today, Debbie.

    Have a nice Memorial Day.


  2. Kelsey is a year old already?! The list of misdemeanours did make me laugh ...and reminisce. A couple more years and she will start to calm down ;o) It doesn't take them long to capture our hearts does it? Best wishes for a wonderful week with lots of sunshine.

  3. "The memory of the righteous will be a blessing..."


  4. What a beautiful peony!!! Great color too. Your list of Kelsey's misadventures made me smile...typical puppy. I hope you had a lovely Memorial Day. I often stop and think about those men & women who sacrificed their lives so we can live in freedom. I know most of us take that for granted. Have a wonderful week!

  5. How sweet to view the baby robins, love your peony and wow doesn't seem like a year already with your fur baby.
    we reflected on the fallen this weekend
    Have a good week hugs from the lake Kathy

  6. Only after I cut back my climbing rose over the entrance arbor this past winter did I remember that our resident Cardinals like to build their nest in amongst the tangle of limbs. They are still here (enjoying the bird feeder), thankfully, but I haven't seen where they've built their nest.

    Happy Birthday to Kelsey!

  7. The peony is gorgeous! Mine haven't opened up yet, but for some reason the plants are huge this year. Some are almost 4 foot high. I hope you had a nice holiday time of being with family. Love to you :)

  8. Happy birthday, Kelsey! I love the little robins! Have a good weekend! Hugs, Judy.

  9. So many happy little things in this post! Peonies are my favorites, but they don't grow in Florida, unfortunately. Those little robins are the sweetest. And happy birthday to Miss Kelsey--she is a beauty.

  10. Gorgeous Peony Debbie. Your photo's of the Robin chicks reminds me of when a family of Wood Pigeons nested in my Laburnum tree. I was able to climb a nearby Fir tree and use a telephoto lens to get pictures. I felt privileged to see them hatch and grow, as I'm sure you do.


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