Saturday, April 8, 2023

Easter Sunday

  Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter Sunday tomorrow.  Will see you next week with a longer post.

  God Bless


"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb...suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them...the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here, He has risen!"  Luke 24: 1-6 (NIV) 


  1. What a pretty Spring picture, Debbie. I've always liked this verse. I can just picture it with the precious words that were written.

    Have a splendid Spring week. It's been sunny the last few days, so that has been nice. And some warmth also.


  2. Debbie, thank you for sharing this beautiful Easter Sunday message with us. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a powerful reminder of hope and new beginnings. It's amazing to think about how the women went to the tomb expecting to find Jesus' body, but instead were greeted with the news that He had risen. This is a message that we can hold onto in our own lives when we face difficult times. I look forward to reading your longer post next week. God bless you (and what a nice photo).

  3. Hello Debbie,
    Thank you for the comment on my blog post. I appreciate the reminder to hold on to our faith.
    I thank you for the prayers for the families of the officers and our little community.

  4. Nice photo, thank you for your good wishes, for us unforgettable Sunday, the baptism of my little granddaughter took place and on a wonderful day, an equally prercious event.
    Happy weekend.
    Best regards


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