Sunday, May 7, 2023

Merry Month of May

Hoping everyone is enjoying the "Merry Month of May".

I think these two are.

The woodland hyacinths seem to be...

The lilacs too!

Discovering this nest certainly made my heart merry.

Have a wonderful start to the month of May.

God Bless


"...but the cheerful heart has a continual feast."  Proverbs 15:15b (NIV)


  1. Happy month of May, happy month of flowers as we say around here, on Saturday we are going to paint a town that is on top of a mountain and in this month it decorates its streets and squares with pots and flowers, it is a medieval town, it is beautiful to capture it and enjoy.
    Best regards

  2. Happy May!
    Lilacs here in Vermont are showing color in some areas. Maybe in another week they will bloom.

  3. I love the colour of that Tulip Debbie. Happy May!!

  4. Lovely photos!! I just saw some lilacs today. I'll have to look for some to paint. My sister just posted a photo of some of her irises that are blooming. I hope to find some of those too. Enjoy the joys of May!

  5. Dear Debbie, Indeed, a cheerful heart lifts us up! Celebrate our each moment in life. Your posts and photos are always eye pleasant! Cheers, Sadami

  6. Beautifully shared Debbie, such glorious treasures the Lord has gifted us throughout His creation! The beauties that bloom with abandon, no care, just joy. Enjoy every beautiful bloom! Blessings to you :)

  7. Beautiful and happy photos! Love the lilacs!

  8. I love the lilacs. We don't get them here, too hot I suppose.

  9. Aren't the woodpeckers such pretty birds? But they can be a nuisance around here - they are always pecking at my house and at the trees, and even the electrical pole outside. And they are pretty loud when they do it haha. I absolutely love your title today, "merry month of may." Have a blessed month of May, dear Debbie.


  10. Lovely pictures, Debbie. May is my favorite month, if I had to just pick one.


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